The commissioner prepares a plan for the Russian gas to come

With the rapidity of the light and the impact of a meteorite: the plan dat the Commission presenteerde om the EU loose te couples of Russian energy, oogt duizelingwekkend. For tens of millions of euros on investments, compulsory zone panels above that, yes, there are suggestions about the bestaande Europese gasvelden longer open te houden. Poetin laat ons geen other keuze, states commissaris Timmermans (Green Deal). De vraag is of het haalbaar is?

The myth that Brusselse molens traag paint is definitely on in Elk geval. Op 24 februari much Russia Oekraïne binnen; op 11 maart zeiden de Europese regeringsleiders in 2027 van Poetins olie, kolen en gas af te willen; op 18, he said there was a work to be done beforehand. “De Green Deal aan de snellader”, headlined Commissioner Voorzitter Von der Leyen het nieuwste pakket.

That package – REPowerEU – has a lot of overhoop. Not that you want the doors to be opened very strictly with Russia: the EU has a fundamental problem: 40 percent of gas imports from Europe come from Russia, 46 percent of the oil and 27 percent of the oil. Because there is an alternative window, it is frozen for a long time. On the other hand: now the EU is about 100 million euros for Russian energy, money was financed by the Poetin de Oorlog in Oekraïne.

energy saving

First of all, the commission in op energiebesparing, de ‘goedkoopste manner’ om van Russe energie af te komen. The binding Europese doelstelling voor energy saving wordt aangescherpt van 9 to 13 per cent in 2030. Buildings would like to be renovated and geïsoleerd, the thermal state and airco can store, fiets en trein boeken tereinwinst op de auto en het vliegetuig. Tot zover het makkelijke deel.

Moeilijker en politiek Gevoeliger is de zoektocht to others, trusted leveranciers van gas, long, olie and waterstof. The Commission shall state that the name of the lidstaten de inkoop gaat doen, eendracht geeft market power. On a voluntary basis overigens, not as far as the ink of corona vaccines, want the EU heeft geen bevoegdheid in deze. Opvallend is that the Commission explicitly states that the national gas winning ‘waar mogelijk’ is also open for a long time.

No other reason is the route from the route of Russian energy to the vangen: the transition to durzame energy. This is where the committee decrees that 40 to 45 percent of the total will be in 2030. The illustration: when the avenues with zone panels have been given, there is an area of ​​2,000 square kilometers to be reached. In addition, there is a relevant role in the commission plan: in 2025, stapsgewijs has been built, which means that there are no plans. Maar also wind, warm tepompen (10 miljoen de Komende vijf jaar); hydrogen (20 megatons extra); Biomethaan and electric cars would like to have a different lever.

Everything worth 210 million euros for an extra investment in 2027, up to 300 million euros in 2030. Then the political problems begin: how do you deal with that?

‘Grote fout’

The Commission is created in a period of 225 million euros on Bruikte leningen uit het manufacturing fund in. When the country dat he right op heeft ze not bruuikt, gaan ze naar a different country. Verder will de Commission around 35 million euros a subsidies for poorer regions in boeren doorsluizen to de opekking van duurzame energie. If that is all open to the public, it is not used in CO2-Rights (opbrengst 20 million euros) brings linkse parts weer in verzet. “Een grote fout”, reageerde het Nederlandse GroenLinks.

Then he is the first to versnelling van the vergunningverlening voor windmolenprojecten (now middelt next year) and zonnepanelen (4.5 years). Op deze manner blijven we Poetins purse spekken, zei Timmermans. Hij wil dat the Vergunningen within a year extended zijn, Hetgeen op Weerstand in lidstaten zal Stuiten.

That money is also paid for increasing energy prices as the EU elders must include. A sign on the wall is that Hongarije al two weeks long a European boycot of Russian olive trees. Dekans state that the EU does not hoeft te kiezen maar that the Poetin that for the EU doet. Eerder sloot hij Poland en Bulgarije af van Russian gas omdat ze refuse in roebels te betalen, come maanden can other land dezelfde behandeling krijgen. Before the crisis occurs, the planning is clear.

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