The comeback of corona: these rules now apply if you become infected

The number of corona infections is rising again. But what should you do if you think you have corona, or have met someone who has it? It depends. The rules have changed a lot since the outbreak of the pandemic. A refresher course.

Do a self-test or go to the GGD?
Do you have complaints that match the corona syndrome? Then do a self-test to check whether you have been infected with covid-19.

That’s basically the rule of thumb, but it doesn’t apply to everyone. Some people are better off doing a PCR test at the GGD. The reasons differ. According to the government, you may be tested at the GGD if you belong to one of these target groups:

  • Residents of a nursing home or other institution with vulnerable persons (above 70 years of age or with a severe immune disorder)
  • People who live at home and go to daycare (above 70 or with a severe immune disorder)
  • People who cannot do a self-test, not even with the help of others;
  • People who need a recovery certificate.

In isolation or not?
If you have been around someone who has corona, you no longer have to quarantine. It is important that you are extra alert to complaints and that you avoid contact with vulnerable people for ten days.

If you have complaints, you should test (self) immediately. Are you testing positive? Then you have to be in isolation. That means you have to stay home. Or have to stay in your own room if you have roommates. You will stay at home until the test result is negative, even if you have just been vaccinated or have recovered from Covid-19. The length of that insulation varies.

How long do you have to be in isolation if you are infected?
If you have complaints, it is quite simple: you must be in isolation for at least five days. After those five days, you may not be released from isolation until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours.

What if you have no complaints but do test positive?
Even then you go into isolation for five days, but you start counting the date of the test. That’s day zero. If you have no complaints during those five days, you can go outside. Do you still get complaints during those five days? Then you start counting again at day zero. You will therefore remain in isolation for a minimum of five days and a maximum of ten days.

Is there anything unclear?
Then check the quarantine check from the government to quickly see which situation and guidelines apply to you.
