The coast of Mallorca, a new strategic reserve for sharks

08/28/2023 at 15:35


The International Union for Conservation of Nature recognizes the importance of conserving sharks and rays in this area of ​​Spain

The International Union for Conservation of Nature has chosen to designate the Majorca coastline as area of ​​importance for the conservation of sharks and rays, two species of sharks that have acquired enormous importance in recent years on the island. Thus, the designation implies that from now on the coast of Majorca will be an area of ​​special relevance for the conservation of both species.

Specifically, there are two most important areas: the first one, the one located between The bull and Sa Dragonera; the second, closest to Cala Vellain lucmajor. Thanks to the work of more than 180 international scientists, who have evaluated more than 100 proposals put forward by different Mediterranean countries, the Mallorcan coastline has been one of the winners.

This Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) is not the only one, and they have also been designated roses (Girona), the canyons of the Costa Bravathe region of central cataloniahe Ebro delta and Castellonthe Marina Alta (Alicante), the Ibiza channel the Benidorm Island (Alicante), Cape Palos (Region of Murcia), the eastern coast of the Region of Murcia and the Strait of Gibraltar.

coming back at Balearic Islandsthe coastline of the four islands (Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera) have been graced.
