The climate referendum takes Berlin back to the Stone Age

By Gunnar Schupelius

The use of coal, oil and gas is to be banned in Berlin from 2030. This plan is not only completely absurd, but also extremely dangerous, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The alliance “Klimaneustart Berlin” wants to bring about a referendum and has collected enough signatures ( Voting takes place either during the election rerun on February 12 or at another point in time. The Senate will decide on this on Tuesday.

The referendum will lead to a law that will force the population to almost completely do without fossil fuels, i.e. coal, oil and gas, by 2030.

What would that mean specifically? Around 99 percent of all Berlin buildings are currently heated with fossil fuels. Industry works 95 percent with fossil fuels, around 96 percent of cars and vans and 100 percent of trucks run on petrol or diesel. More than 90 percent of the electrical energy in Berlin is generated with coal or gas.

First of all, after the climate referendum, all heating systems would have to be converted to heat pumps within seven years – that is priceless and also not possible because these systems consume more electricity than is available.

Second, all cars and trucks would have to be converted to electric drives, which is also not possible for the same reasons. Alternatively, car traffic could be banned.

Third, the coal and gas-fired power plants would have to switch to “green hydrogen”, which is produced using electricity itself, which makes little sense.

This referendum is not only absurd, but also dangerous. Anyone who takes coal, oil and gas out of circulation without there being a substitute deprives people of their livelihood, who, to put it casually, accepts that they starve and freeze to death.

Nevertheless, 261,000 Berliners signed the referendum. They certainly mean well. You want to save the world. But they are misinformed, they are wrong.

Three big misconceptions are floating around: First: Electricity could be stored in the power grid in order to then be available in the dark doldrums. Not true: Electricity cannot be stored on a larger scale. Secondly, electric cars would have a better “climate balance” than petrol engines. That is not the case under the current conditions. Third: All buildings could be converted to heat pumps – also not true.

Radical groups are behind the climate referendum: “Fridays for Future”, “Gas Exit” (against natural gas), ADFC, “Jusos”, “Green Youth” and the daily newspaper “taz”. The Greens fear the pressure of the road and have therefore stretched themselves in front of the car. Your top candidate Jarasch (Greens) is running with the climate demonstrators. This is political tactics and completely irresponsible.

Anyone who is still in their right mind should turn away from this referendum that is taking us back to the Stone Age.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
