The city of Waregem invests in new horse infrastructure

The city of Waregem invests in new horse infrastructure

Vzw De Gaverbeek has more than 350 active members. But the current site is 40 years old and in urgent need of renewal. To this end, the city council, Sport Vlaanderen and the non-profit association are joining forces. The total project will cost one million euros, of which Sport Vlaanderen subsidizes just over 220,000 euros.

All weather track

The first step in the project is the construction of an all-weather track and lunge circle. The new track will replace the normal outdoor track. With the new track, competitions, training sessions or events will no longer depend on the weather.

In addition, the red stables and the area around them will also be renovated. With the support of Sport Vlaanderen, the city wants to complete the project within three years.

Base and softball fields in Poperinge

Sport Vlaanderen also invests in Poperinge. For example, there will be a new base and softball field. Sport Vlaanderen subsidizes 186,960 euros for this.

The photo shows a representation of the aldermen’s college, vzw De Gaverbeek and Sport Vlaanderen Waregem.
