The city of Pori is cracking down on its advertising campaign

The new naughty advertising campaign of the city of Pori amuses the Finnish people.

AOP / Screenshot: Instagram

For five weeks, the City of Pori will publish promotional videos in which “Porisuhteneuvoja Luukkone” advises how to get a revived Porisuhteen back on track. The character is played by a Pori-born actor-comedian Joonas Nordman.

Nordman’s Luukkos character tells Pori city website According to Mayor Aino-Maija Luukkonen, there are many similarities.

– When Joonas Nordman called me and suggested that I make me a sketch character, I couldn’t help but agree. Sometimes you have to dare to break a bit of boundaries, the mayor notes on the city’s website.

In the sketch videos, the Pori Relationship Advisor gives tips to callers about their Pori Relationship and how to deal with it.

– Whether you are inexperienced, considerate, looking for a spark, longing for variety or like secrets, we all have something to write about in an article about an advertising campaign.

Also the city’s communications and marketing planner Marika Virtanen commented on an ad campaign in the same article.

– Pori is a word that is playfully bent for many purposes. Already at the time of the brand renewal, it was stated that Pori goes under the skin, so there can be nothing handy in our marketing either. So now we are cannoning with hard and Pori humor, Virtanen adds.

Those who are interested can also visit to measure the level of their own Pori ratio loveup.fion the site. Porinder, which once enjoyed great popularity, has now been transformed into the Poratio Relationship Test, and as a result of the testing, you get humorous results and tips from the Porisuatio Advisor.

