The child actor of the killer shark was appointed police chief

Fans of the classic film have not forgotten the child actor who left the film industry.

Killer Shark was the most successful film of the year 1975. AOP

Worked as a police officer for almost 40 years Jonathan Searle has been selected as the next police chief in the small town of Oak Bluffs.

Slightly over 5,000 residents, Oak Bluffs ’events rarely get much attention, but Searle’s selection has made headlines in several major media outlets.

The reason lies in the classic of director legend Steven Spielberg Killer sharkwhere Searle was seen 47 years ago with his brother.

The killer shark was filmed specifically in Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard Island, where Searle, 56, has now been elected police chief.

– I find this whole thing quite amusing, he commented to the New York Post.

In the film, the boys portrayed by Searle and this brother cause panic on the beach as they juggle people through play. You can watch the scene from here.

Jonathan Searle’s character panicked in the movie Killer Shark. The picture is from the filming of the movie. AOP

The film career was missed

Although Searle starred in one of the most successful and well-known films in film history, he did not strive for the industry. Instead, he has felt called specifically for the police profession.

– I’ve worked on this all my career, he tells the local Vineyard Gazette.

Searle has worked for decades at the Edgartown Police Department. His father served as chief of police in Edgartown from 1981 to 1995.

The attention Searle now receives is not entirely exceptional. Namely, fans of the killer shark cited the man’s work in 2008, when several fearful shark sightings were made in front of Martha’s Vineyeard.

And who was responsible for investigating the case? Of course, Searlen, in whose investigation the fears proved futile. A scammer who was charged with his trick was revealed to be the whistleblower.

However, film fans didn’t mind not laughing at the connection between the incident and Searle’s character.

Now Searle tells the NY Post that he hopes not Killer shark events recur in real life. In his own words, he prefers to focus on solving crimes on land.

The Oak Bluffs Police Department has welcomed its future police chief on its Facebook page.

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