The CDU and SPD disagree on preventive detention

HILDBURG BRUNS, Head of Municipal Affairs Photo: RALF GUENTHER

From Hildburg Bruns

When climate stickers climbed over the barrier during the marathon, a Berlin member of the Bundestag from the CDU posted: “Preventive detention now!” Well, nothing will come of it, at least not if it lasts longer than 48 hours.

The coalition partner SPD is not taking part, as BZ found out in the still secret amendment to the Berlin police law. Five or seven days are only given for serious crimes that are feared – such as an act of terrorism.

Nevertheless, Berlin is regulating important plans with the first stage of change. For example, the use of body cameras in apartments, because cases of domestic violence involving aggro participants are not that rare there. But the big reform won’t take place until next year.

Before that, Interior Senator Spranger will send her deputy to the desert. Of course, we taxpayers are allowed to pay for the new political stroller. Bitter!


Berlin Police Bodycams Iris Spranger Police
