The ‘català’ that looks to the future

That he Català de l’Any award, awarded by EL PERIÓDICO, has wanted to distinguish an American like John Hoffman, CEO of GSMA and architect of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), in its 20th edition, is confirmation of what these awards represent, whose intention is to recognize the effort and the work of personalities who have stood out in Catalonia in the most varied fields (artistic, social, scientific, sports…). Hoffman’s commitment to Catalonia, his contribution to the country’s progress and the strategic vision to make Barcelona a nerve center for future technologies well embody the values ​​of the Català de l’Any award.

The ties of John Hoffman, born in Michigan, with Barcelona and Catalonia have consolidated over the years to become a weather proof relationship -that there have been-. In 2006, the mobile phone fair (then it was called 3GSM) landed in the Catalan capital. It was a congress of companies specialized in a technology that had just begun to emerge. Sixteen years later, with a ‘smartphone’ in practically every pocket, horizons have broadened, with technological terms that are not always easy to understand but that will have direct applications in our daily lives, if they are not already having it, in the areas of health, transport, urbanism, education, etc. That for a few days a year Barcelona becomes the epicenter and showcase of these advances It is a privilege, but it is even more so that it is also the rest of the year, through the Barcelona Mobile World Capital, and the promotion of a entrepreneurial ecosystem under this

Four months ago excellent news was known: Barcelona and L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (municipality where the congress is also held at its Fira venue) would become the permanent headquarters of the MWC, or to be more exact, with a contract until 2030 and from that date, tacit automatic annual renewal. It would not have been possible without Hoffman’s unwavering confidence in the Catalan capital, which, it must also be said, he has managed to live up to. In adverse circumstances (transport strikes, riots due to the ‘procés’) all the actors involved made an effort to ensure that the mobile phone conference met its objectives. Even after being canceled in 2020 for a covid pandemic that just loomed, the congress overcame and has recovered its momentum. Behind this success there has been constant work, and sometimes far from the spotlight, of business and Administration, an example of public-private collaboration of which Hoffman is a great supporter.

New technologies will continue to have an important presence in our lives, not always positive. Manipulations and false news spread daily through social networks and shake the foundations of democracies and cybercrime is becoming increasingly complex. In the face of all this, one must also be prepared. The next few years will be exciting and the MWC will continue to make headlines. EL PERIÓDICO, faithful to its editorial commitment to Progress, People and the Planetwill help to understand this changing reality and continue to recognize the work of those who best represent the values ​​of Català de l’Any.
