The cashier’s killers have been arrested. One of them traded himself

On February 11, the Istra City Court elected a measure of restraint for four visiting guest workers, whom accused of robbery at the store and the brutal murder of a female cashier. All the detainees were ordered to be taken into custody for two months. It is known that two of the four were in the country illegally. In addition to repairing apartments, they traded in robberies and even worked in an intimate business.

This puny man on the way to the courtroom stubbornly ignores all questions. He pretends not to hear, but it is noticeable that he is barely alive from fear. Maybe that’s why he can’t pronounce a word in the language of the country he came to work in, but he began to rob and kill, according to the investigation. According to the materials of the criminal case, he, along with three friends, committed a robbery of a supermarket, during which a female cashier was brutally beaten to death. All four communicate with the judge through an interpreter. The defendants say that they are now worried most of all so that relatives at home do not find out about their terrible adventures.

The measure of restraint for the four probable bandits was chosen by the court in turn. The metal cage in the hall turned out to be small for everyone, and the alleged raiders are now not allowed to communicate with each other in the interests of the investigation. On their conscience, according to investigators, the life of the cashier Lyudmila Vyatkina, two more people: the director of the robbed store and her husband – after meeting with the scum, went to the hospital. Their house in the village of Denkovo ​​is now empty.

No one responds to a knock on the door in the Pashkovs’ house. Both owners of the building are still in the hospital – undergoing treatment. But the same car is parked in the yard, in which Sergey Pashkov came to pick up his wife from work when he became a victim of bandits. Judging by the uniform jacket hanging in the car, Pashkov was an employee of a private security company.

But even a professional guard could not cope with four brutal raiders who seemed to have gone crazy from human blood. Leaving the crime scene, they attacked Sergei Pashkov at the entrance to the unloading area of ​​the supermarket, where he drove up to pick up his wife Natalya from work. Four robbers just stole 96,000 rubles from the store and left behind a terrible trail: the cashier Lyudmila Vyatkina, beaten to death, and Natalya Pashkova, barely alive. One of the non-humans during the investigation told how they beat the man. The alleged robber communicates with the security forces through a Tajik interpreter – he pretends that he knows only a couple of words in Russian: the number “2” and “stick”.

And another defendant, already in the service area of ​​the store, told in detail and demonstrated to the investigators how he dealt with the cashier Lyudmila Vyatkina. He claims he didn’t aim for anything on purpose.

The words that the blows were not targeted are clearly an attempt to soften their unenviable position. The footage from CCTV cameras in the service area of ​​the store clearly shows how the bandit coldly and mercilessly beats Lyudmila Vyatkina on the head with all his might, barely falls, inflicts several more blows aimed at the head, and calms down only when the victim freezes on the floor. This raid, as investigators established, was already the third in the criminal career of the four. Before that, they had visited a 24-hour grocery store, but they left without any loot – there was no money in the cash register. But the attack on a chain supermarket brought the robbers more than 700 thousand rubles.

Surprisingly, the store, which became the first on the gang’s criminal path, is located just a kilometer from their lair. By car, this path can be done in just one minute.

Recently, the robbers lived in a cottage where they contracted to do repairs. Here they planned their bandit attacks. Judging by the situation in the premises, never made it to work The robbers had other things to do and interests. According to media reports, the youngest of the friendly company, Nazirkul Bobakulov, worked as a loader in chain supermarkets and apparently learned how to easily raid such stores. 29-year-old Zafar Khudoykulov was the eldest among them. In the intervals between armed sorties, according to sources of the Vesti. Duty program, he spent time on dating sites for connoisseurs of unconventional love, posted his half-naked photos on the Internet and even provided intimate services to men, not for free, of course. Having studied the identity of the likely robbers, the investigators also found out that half of the alleged gang members were in Russia illegally.

“When studying the circumstances of the defendants’ stay in the Russian Federation, it was established that two of them are staying in the country illegally. In this regard, an internal audit on this issue has been initiated in the regulatory authorities. As part of the investigation, an assessment will be made of the actions or inaction of officials responsible for compliance with migration legislation,” Olga Vradiy, senior assistant to the head of the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow Region, informed.

It is possible that those who did not see to it that illegal immigrants were deported from Russia will also become defendants in criminal cases. But this is in the future, now the four likely raiders will have to be responsible for robbing stores and massacring the cashier Lyudmila Vyatkina. By court order, they were all taken into custody.


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