The cash register rings at FC Volendam when Van de Ven makes a dream transfer to Tottenham

According to The Telegraph Micky van de Ven personally agrees to a transfer to Tottenham Hotspur. The footballer made the switch from FC Volendam to VfL Wolfsburg in the summer of 2021. Because Volendam stipulated a resale percentage with this transfer, the cash register for the North Hollanders can also start ringing quite a bit.

The transfer fee is said to be around 35 million euros. In London there is a contract until 2028 ready for the football player from Wormer. However, Van de Ven still has to pass the medical examination and VfL Wolfsburg and Tottenham must come to an agreement.

Van de Ven had a great season in Germany and then he also played at the European Under 21 Championship. For example, he played in the spotlight of Liverpool, Bayern Munich and therefore Tottenham Hotspur.
