The case of the double ballot that Vox wields to fight for the third councilor in BCN

Vox achieved two councilors in Barcelona in the municipal elections, and this Friday it participates in the recount of the Zone Electoral Board in the Ciutat de la Justícia because it considers that there is a circumstance that could have led to the annulment of votes last Sunday that should be considered valid and that they could give him the third councilor if that happened in many cases. The party is just over 1,500 votes away from achieving that mayor.

Vox presented two ballots to the municipal ones in the Catalan capital. in some, the party logo is surrounded by a box. In others, no. in the municipal There have been 6,402 null votes, four times more than in 2,109, when there were 1,540. The difference has raised doubts about whether many are votes made, legally or not, to Vox.

the box

When Vox went to the Electoral Board to request the ballot, they informed him that Barcelona City Council would send it to you. The consistory requested the logo to prepare it, and Vox sent it with and without a box. The City Council sent the party a ballot with the logo without a box. Vox had ballots printed with and without a box, and consulted the Electoral Board which one is valid. “They told us that the two & rdquor ;, explains a proxy.

For voting by mail, Vox used boxed ballots. To place them in schools, without box. At some tables, both one and the other format were accepted as valid. In others, no one noticed the difference. In some, representatives of other parties alerted to the nuance and those with a box were considered invalid: in a school in Sant Martí, explains a representative, it happened at several tables: in one, 11 of 32 votes for Vox were annulled; in another, 15 of 34, and in another, 10 of 19.

If these figures were given in many schools, the vote variation could be significant, and reach those 1,500 long votes that the ultra-right party needs to achieve the third councilor.

cold water jug

Shortly after the review of the minutes prepared by the polling stations, the lists with the results sent by the officials from the polling stations and the invalid vote, which is what is seen in the counts, the president of the Electoral Board of Zona, Judge Joan Marsal, has issued a warning to party officials and representatives: only null votes that were contested by party controllers or proxies during election day will be reviewed.

Logically, this significantly reduces the options for Vox to add votes, because, says the same proxy mentioned above, they did not have enough representatives to be in all the polling stations, which physically prevented the challenges that the Board now requires so that it can have review.

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After 12:00, the Vox proxies – a very small group compared to the armies sent by the PSC and Barcelona en Comú to the count – had not detected many cases similar to those of the Sant Martí electoral college. If that happened, they could make the decision to file an appeal before the Zone Electoral Board to review the null vote.

Meanwhile, Comuns and Socialists, immersed in the review in view of the fact that only 141 votes separate them in the fight for a mayor, who would be the tenth of Barcelona in Comú if he achieved it, which would leave the PSC in 9, look at each other sideways Among the Socialists there is a doubt, and in some cases the suspicion, that the Comuns are in favor of helping Vox get closer to the third councillor, which would leave the lists of Ada Colau and Jaume Collboni tied at nine councillors. Something that the Comuns reject with the same discretion with which their rivals aim.
