The cadmium levels in the blood of Luis Lorenzo’s partner’s aunt point to homicide

ANDhe final autopsy report to which he has had access The New Spain, and an audio recording could cause a twist in the investigation of the poisoning a year ago of the neighbor of Degree Isabel Suarez Arias85 years old, for which his niece, Avilesina, has been charged Aranzazu Palominoand her husband, the actor Louis Lawrence.

The analysis of the cadaver revealed the presence of very high levels of two heavy metals, leading coroners to rule out death from natural causesinitially certified. The authors of the final autopsy report conclude that the woman’s death was caused by multi-organ failure, caused by “acute intoxication & rdquor; and that the etiology (cause) “most likely medicolegal murderer”.

The forensic analysis carried out on the body of Isabel Suárez has revealed that had a concentration of cadmium 200 times higher than the limit of what doctors consider normal, and manganese more than 20 times higher than the maximum recommended limit. All this with an extremely important particularity: no traces of the two poisonous metals were found in the hair or liver of the deceased. What does this mean? That Isabel Suárez ingested both cadmium and manganese very few days before her death, which has led forensic experts to conclude that she ingested the two poisonous metals orally, and that her death is compatible with a “homicidal & rdquor ; action. They add that it is “very unlikely & rdquor; that the ingestion was “suicidal or accidental & rdquor ;, since no ingested products appeared in the analysis carried out at the time of her death, which occurred on June 28 of last year.

Forensic scientists are also surprised by the medication detected in the blood and hair, especially antipsychotic and neuroleptic-type psychoactive drugs. They admit that they are unaware of the medication that the woman was prescribed in the days prior to her death, but they emphasize that it is “rare to associate four different antipsychotics simultaneously & rdquor ;. She took two of them, as they point out, “for three months before her death, added to the other two that she had already taken previously & rdquor ;. It so happens that Isabel Suárez died three months and three weeks after she left Asturias and it will be installed in the Madrid house of Luis Lorenzo and Aránzazu Palomino.

The forensic discovery increases the suspicions of the victim’s brothers that she was murdered. Both they and the neighbors of the deceased emphasize that, despite her advanced age, his health was “very good & rdquor ;, that she fends for herself without help “for everything & rdquor; and that he led a “normal” life. They give as an example that he went every week by train to the market of the Fontanin Oviedo, where he sold potatoes, eggs, nuts, apples…

They also don’t agree with their niece’s assertion that she suffered from Alzheimer’s All those consulted by this newspaper, both in Grado and in Valdunothe latter locality of the council of the ditches where he had lived for more than fifty years and to which he went every week to take care of his animals and his plantations, they assure that he was “perfectly in the head & rdquor; and that they never noticed any mental failure, since the only known problem with her was a slight deafness.

Relatives and neighbors maintain that Isabel Suárez may not have gone of her own free will to her nephews’ house in the Madrid town of Rivas Vaciamadrid. In fact, a brother of the deceased, Jose Maria Suarez, denounced a year ago in the Court of Grade the “disappearance & rdquor ;. He suspects that his sister was allegedly “kidnapped and poisoned & rdquor; and he is willing to “go to the end, whatever it takes, so that the whole truth is found out and justice is done & rdquor ;. He has the support of his two brothers and the rest of Isabel Suárez’s direct family. The two investigated have categorically denied all the accusations and assure that they will demonstrate “documentarily & rdquor; His innocence.

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But this Tuesday another element was known that could help resolve the case. Some neighbors of the building in which the investigated marriage resides delivered to the program ‘Save me’of Telecinco, an audio recording that supposedly includes a conversation between Luis Lorenzo, Aránzazu Palomino and Isabel Suárez. The recording, which was not broadcast openly, was heard by various presenters and collaborators of the program, including the lawyer Montse Suarez. The latter, after listening to the conversation, delivered the audio to the Civil Guardconsidering that it could help clarify what happened.

According to those who listened to the audio, it shows un “humiliating and vexatious” treatment & rdquor; towards the octogenarian, as well as severe reproaches and a punch on a table. Almost all the conversation revolves around money and, according to those who heard it, makes it clear that there was no good relationship between the couple and the deceased. The recording was made days before the death of Isabel Suárez, who she had declared shortly before universal heir to all her assets to the investigated. It will now be the investigating judge who decides if the recording is accepted as evidence. It also remains to verify that the interveners are the deceased and her nephews.
