The BVG call bus should only be temporary

BZ editor Johannes Malinowski thinks that the on-call bus is a good temporary measure - but it should stay that way

BZ editor Johannes Malinowski thinks that the on-call bus is a good temporary measure – but it should stay that way Photo: picture alliance/dpa / BZ assembly

By Johannes Malinowski

The BVG’s new on-call bus is scheduled to go into service in autumn. A good emergency solution, says BZ editor Johannes Malinowski in his comment.

The Rufbus is intended to open up areas in which local transport is still a problem child.

Unlike the Berlkönig, which the BVG buried this week and who was only on the road in the city center – where local transport is already good.

The new dial-a-bus must be the way the passengers need it. Being able to pay permanently only with a credit card or via app does not live up to the claim. The offer will now be tested until 2025.

The idea of ​​using minibuses to transport passengers on the outskirts of the city should only be temporary. A quick way to bring mobility to everyone. But ten minibuses will not permanently replace regular bus and train lines.


Berlkönig Bus BVG
