The bride, the previews of the last episode of the fiction

TOmated and criticized in equal parts. But what is certain is thathowever you think, no one will get lost tonight the last episode of The bride – on air on Rai 1 at 9.25pm. Because Serena Rossi And Giorgio Marchesi will be protagonists of an exit that promises great (and bitter) surprises. With dramatic turns in the protagonists’ lives, and an unexpected tragedy.

Boom in ratings, in the second appointment the fiction reached 6,568,000 million fans; conquering almost certainly a second season.

Here are the previews of the melò signed by Giacomo Campiottiset in the rural Veneto of the 1960s.

The bridepreviews of the last episode

Vittorio (Maurizio Donadoni), hospitalized, dies. The whole town gathers around the family, but before leaving he decides to atone his faults: on the one hand it returns the land stolen by deception a Giulio (Denis Fasolo); on the other, he redeems other swampy and desolate ones, to cultivate them as he had done in the past.

Italo (Giorgio Marchesi) is worried about the future of the spinning millthe wrong management of Vittorio it has put him in serious economic difficulties. He thinks about lifting it Maria (Serena Rossi), who reassures him about future projects, starting with the idea of ​​giving life to one cooperative of workers.

Giorgio Marchesi and Serena Rossi. (Endemol)

Meanwhile Antonio (Mario Sgueglia) offers a job in Italo within his construction company. Armed with his power, the clever calculator manipulates everyone for his interests, in order to win back Mariawho however only loves Italo.

In thought for the threshing, Maria receives the help of some women, who offer to work without compensation. Italoat this point, he resigned from the yard for run back to his wife.

Broken love

Between Italo and Maria love proceeds at full speed. Finally a Casa Bassi exudes an air of serenity and joy. Together they have built a solid family, and will soon be parents too. But a disgrace is befalling them.

Attracted by a dark figure that moves in the courtyard in the night, Pauline (Antonio Nicolai) enters the barn, but a fire that suddenly broke out envelops him, endangering his life. TO brave the flames to save him is Italo, who unfortunately he will not be able to escape death.

the bride advances last episode serena rossi

Serena Rossi together with Antonio Nicolai and Giorgio Marchesi. (Endemol)

Mariapregnant, is torn by pain. In a very short time she has lost her only true love, she has a child to look after and one on the way, she feels alone and abandoned. Will he be able, once again, to find a balance? To overcome the immense suffering?



An unbridgeable void

Meanwhile, from Calabria, the mother begs Maria to return. She to escape from that place that she has hurt her so much. Check Antonio with all her support, however, Maria is exhausted, tried on several fronts, she faints. Right before being hospitalized entrust Pauline to her friend Nunzia (Antonella Prisco).

the bride advances last episode

Serena Rossi. (Endemol)

Once discharged, she returns home and discovers that the baby is he was locked up by Antonio in an institution. Desperate, she does everything to get it back, declaring war on his ex, while a light of hope for the future comes: it is born Victory, his daughter. In addition, there is from realize Italo’s dream: create the first cooperative run by women only.

The bride, between stellar ratings and controversies

Thanks to sensational ratings (also in streaming) the fiction was a success, but setting and regional stereotypes he has also been the center of much controversy. The allegations are of false historyof ridicule of the Vicentines and Calabrians through the use of grotesque clichés.

A debate such as has not been seen for some time, which helped to focus the spotlight on the story of Mary. Unintentional heroin of women’s emancipation and gender equality in an era of total male chauvinism. With simplicity and good feelings.

Themes that have excited and excited, especially an audience made up of over 65. Che she recognized herself in history, and in the stories of their parents and grandparents. In the great changes, in the struggles of Italy in the late sixties. After all, even the same Serena Rossi he had affirmed: “Maria is a tribute to my grandmother who is no longer here, and to all the grandmothers of our country ».



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