The breadcrumb makes you fatter and nine other myths about nutrition that we still believe

10/22/2022 at 08:05


The Spanish Nutrition Foundation resolves the doubts: is fruit fattening if eaten for dessert? Is lactose-free milk healthier?

A varied and balanced diet is key at any stage of life. The Healthy habits They can prevent the development of diseases such as overweight, obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

In order to cover all our nutritional needs, it is essential to consume a wide variety of food groups.

And the most important: eat everything, without abusing, in moderation and avoiding ultra-processed foods (products loaded with refined flour, fat and sugar).

However, there are certain foods that have historically been labeled as unhealthy or with the wrong properties.

Innumerable myths that have been established over the years and that the specialists of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) deny in the guide ‘Your healthy choice’.

Bread stands out for its high content of fiber and carbohydrates, which controls appetite and helps the digestive system | Freepik

“The crumb is more fattening than the crust of the bread”

It is one of the most widespread myths, but it is still false. As the FEN experts indicate, the explanation is very simple.

As the crumb is softer, a greater amount of water is concentrated and, therefore, lower caloric intake. “The bark, on the other hand, is the hardest part, it contains less water and the concentration of nutrients and energy supply is greater.”

“Whole grain bread has fewer calories than normal bread”

100 grams of white bread gives us 277 kilocalories and 2.2 grams of fiber. And if we compare it with another 100 grams of wholemeal bread, there is hardly any difference: 250 kilocalories and 8.5 grams of fiber.

However, the difference is that those breads made with wholemeal flour “usually require more chewing & rdquor; and “they cause greater satiety, since they are rich in fiber, so we usually consume less quantity & rdquor ;.

And what about the celiac? How can they benefit from the properties of bread? They should replace it with the one made with corn, since it is free of gluten, a protein present in the grain of wheat and other cereals such as rye, barley and oats.

And it must be taken into account that some whole-grain breads “may contain added fat and sugars, in order to improve their flavor, which would considerably modify their nutritional value.” And no, bread is not fattening by itself.

“The only thing that makes us fat are the calories consumed in excess, wherever they come from, and that are not spent by our body, being stored in the form of fat”, highlight the nutritionists of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation.

Six or more servings a day of cereals are recommended, opting for whole grains or whole grain, as they contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals. And, of course, for options without fats or added sugars.

Spinach, like most vegetables, do not provide much energy due to the large amount of water they contain | Freepik

“Spinach provides a lot of energy”

the cans of spinach what did you drink Popeye They gave him a ‘superhuman’ strength to be able to fight with his great enemy: Brutus. But the properties attributed to spinach are also part of fiction, without detracting from its merits, since they have essential micronutrients.

And it is highly recommended to include them in our diet. Thanks to the versatility of this food, they can be cooked with legumes, in smoothies, in salads and even in tortillas.

“The reality is that spinach, like most vegetables, do not provide much energy due to the large amount of water they contain. Specifically, the energy value of spinach is 31 kcal per 100 g, so no one will fill up with energy after eating them, as was the case with the cartoon & rdquor ;, they point out.

“Canned vegetables are not healthy”

Can it be healthy to eat from a can? FEN’s response is clear: yes, but with some nuance. Although part of the population is reluctant to consume them because they distrust their nutritional quality and safety, nothing is further from the truth.

If it is true that they can have a higher amount of sodium and sugarit only “remains in the canning liquid, so removing it and washing the vegetables afterwards is a good option to reduce its intake”.

And they are the perfect option in the absence of time and as an alternative to precooked dishes, which are usually not healthy.

Eating from a can is healthy if you eliminate sodium and sugar | Freepik

Nutritionists also stress that “this can be extrapolated to frozen vegetables that, in addition, they do not usually have added salt and that, with a composition very similar to that of fresh ones, can be an interesting option to increase the consumption of this group of foods & rdquor ;.

“Fruit is more fattening if eaten as dessert”

Fruits are one of the essential foods that should not be missing from our diet. And eat them every day. It is recommended to eat about five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day. And if you choose satiating fruits with few calories (banana, red fruits or orange), you can also control your appetite and weight. They are, therefore, a perfect snack to snack between meals.

They can be eaten at any time of the day. Because neither “The melon, in the morning, gold, in the afternoon, silver, and at night, kills & rdquor; or fattening if eaten as a dessert after a meal or at night.

“The caloric intake of the fruit and its nutritional value is the same whether it is eaten before, after or during meals. It should also be noted that there is no reason why the consumption of fruit as a dessert generates digestive discomfort & rdquor ;, specify the FEN specialists.

The caloric intake of fruit does not vary if it is eaten before, after or during meals, but it should be included in our diet | Freepik

“After milk you cannot drink orange juice because it cuts & rdquor;

It is one of the phrases that all of us, at some point in our lives, have heard: “After milk you cannot drink orange juice, because it cuts.” And it is not because of orange juice in particular, but because of any fruit juice, and it is due to its acidity. But, as we all suspected, it is nothing more than reasoning without any kind of sense.

This is how nutritionists explain it: “This belief is false. The acidity of the stomach is greater than that of orange juice, and during the digestion process the milk meets the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach”.

“Lactose-free milk?”

Milk is present in our lives since we are born. In childhood it is considered an essential element for development and growth.

Not only does it provide energy due to its high lactose and fat content (lower percentage if we talk about semi or skimmed milk), but also because it is an important source of calcium and vitamins. Riboflavin (B2), vitamin A and D and Cyanocobalamin (B12).

Specialists recommend a daily intake of 2-3 servings of milk. Thus, most of the calcium needs are covered. A single glass contains 100 mg/100 ml.

But “it is not recommended to consume lactose-free milk, the natural sugar in milk, if there are no specific intolerance problems diagnosed.”

“Dried fruits make you fat”

Nuts are rich in fiber, calcium, folic acid (very important, especially during pregnancy to avoid problems in the development of the brain and spine), iron and vitamins E and B1. They are very important to avoid cardiovascular diseases, but they are also very rich in fat.

However, they are essential as part of a healthy diet. “We must remember that beyond the quantity, the quality of the fat is more important, as it has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease.”

Nuts have a protective effect against cardiovascular disease | Freepik

“Olive oil makes you fat”

If true. But beyond the fats that olive oil provides (9 kilocalories per gram), “you must be prudent and use it in the right amount and form in order to obtain all its benefits.”

In fact, a study published in the international journal European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (EJCN) of the journal Naturesuggests that the consumption of extra virgin olive oil has a protective effect against breast cancer.

And what is even better: they ensure that this benefit is obtained whether we consume it raw, or if we eat it cooked. The statement by Dr. Marina Pollán, director of the National Epidemiology Center of the Carlos III Health Institute (CNE-ISCIII) and member of GEICAM leaves no room for doubt.

“With the results of this study we confirm that moderate consumption of virgin olive oil is associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer.”

“The beer belly & rdquor;

The actual cause of beer belly (abdominal obesity) is not really the consumption of beer, a fermented beverage that is made with germinated barley grains or other cereals and that is the most consumed in the world. But, it is not exclusively a consequence of drinking a beer every day, since it represents a very small percentage of the daily caloric intake.

It is false, the beer belly could be other factors such as incorrect eating habits | Freepik

“The cause of the beer belly could be other factors such as incorrect eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or genetic components, which favor obesity and influence body composition more than the amount of beer consumed & rdquor ;.
