The Brazilian singer’s bikini photos from Qatar made us shudder

The popular brass artist Gretchen is watching the World Cup on the spot.

The very popular Brazilian singer Gretchen, full name Maria Odete Brito de Miranda de Souzashrugged on social media last week.

Gretchen has traveled together with her husband to Qatar to watch the soccer World Cup. In the picture published on her Instagram account, the star artist was enjoying the heat wearing a bikini.

Some of the fans were worried, some even freaked out. Qatar – where the status of women is already weak – closely monitors scantily clad public places. Too bare a surface can lead to consequences in an Islamic state.

If the publication below is not visible, you can view it from this link.

Like the Brazilian site Read and report, Gretchen didn’t break the rules with her photos. According to the magazine, the bikini pictures were taken in the yard of a private rental villa. The singer himself also responded to the criticism on social media.

– For the information of all those who commented on my clothing: I know the country and its culture. I would never break Qatari law or disrespect its culture. You should also read the texts of my pictures in the future, Gretchen winked.

In the bikini photo publication, the singer stressed that sun worshiping can only be done in a sheltered place, because people walk the streets in covering clothes.

Gretchen, 63, has had a long career in music. In four decades, he has sold more than 15 million records.

He has more than 3.5 million followers on Instagram.
