The boy’s father Oliver, operated on for cancer in Sant Joan de Déu: “Everything is going great”

“Everything is going well, better than we expected” Alejandro Romero, the father of Oliver, the two-and-a-half-year-old boy operated on very aggressive brain tumor two days ago in the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Esplugues de Llobregat). The family, of Andalusian origin and resident in Cancun (Mexico), flew to Barcelona from America last week to be able to treat the little boy, since in his country of residence they gave him no hope.

On Wednesday, the Sant Joan de Déu medical team removed more than 90% of Oliver’s brain tumor in an operation that lasted more than 10 hours. Previously, on Friday of last week, the child had undergone surgery to treat the hydrocephalus who suffered from the tumor. “Oliver is very well, awake, very reactive. He moves, speaks a little and recognizes us,” Romero explained to the media from the hospital square.

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Both the father and the mother are waiting for the child, who is still in the ICU, be transferred to the plant soon. “Hopefully today,” Romero said. He believes it will be in the “next few hours” or “next few days”. “Am super happy at the moment The operation went great and we are waiting to see what they tell us about Oncology. Hopefully it will give us the best news”. After the intervention, the hospital has started the molecular study of the tumor whose results will allow designing the cancer treatment more appropriate.

Finally, the father has had words of thanks for the entire medical team of the hospital. “It’s spectacular,” she said. “Every person treats us great and I think they treat everyone like that”, he concluded. Oliver traveled to Barcelona after the doctors in Cancun told him that the tumor was not treatable and They did not give hope to the family. Parents consulted with different specialists, who recommended that they call Sant Joan de Déu, a hospital that agreed to treat the minor. A anonymous businessman He paid for the medicalized plane that the boy needed to be able to fly to Barcelona. It cost 200,000 euros.
