The BossHoss: Barbecues are like campfires for cowboys

Cool guys: Alec

Cool guys: Alec “Boss Burns” Völkel (51, left) and guitarist and singer Sascha “Hoss Power” Vollmer (51) Photo: Ralf Gunther

From BZ/dpa

Country rock band The BossHoss see grilling as more than just roasting sausages and steaks.

“It’s a social happening,” said Alec Völkel (51) of the German Press Agency in Berlin. “In the end, the grill is kind of the campfire from the prairie, where the cowboys sit down after their work is done and have something to eat with a drink and make music.”

He and his bandmate Sascha Vollmer (51) say they like to grill. “If the weather permits, then we’d love to,” said Völkel. “Quickly putting a bratwurst on top is always possible.” Vollmer added: “It’s not about a lot of meat, but quality, sustainable. It’s better to pay a little more and eat a little less meat than to clear up the discount goods.”

The BossHoss has already published a recipe book “Rock am Grill”. A second edition is being planned. “Ideas are there, we’re trying to open up the spectrum further,” said Vollmer. His band partner thinks that meat, fish and vegetable dishes are best on the grill. Desserts, starters and cakes could also be prepared over the fire. “I prefer the meatloaf.”


Berlin celebrities barbecue culture and people The Bosshoss
