The Boerenbond also rejects the nitrogen bill

The Boerenbond also rejects the nitrogen bill

Government parties N-VA and Open VLD approved a new draft memorandum on the nitrogen dossier on Sunday evening without coalition partner CD&V. Opinions differ on the status of the memorandum.

Insufficient room for development

In any case, the text contains a series of adjustments compared to last year’s ‘crocus agreement’, including with regard to the so-called ‘red list’ of peak loaders, but also with regard to permit rules and accompanying policy.

But just like the original agreement, the new nitrogen text is not sufficient for the agricultural organization Boerenbond. “In order to be fit for the future, our sector must be able to continue to develop, and this concept note falls short of that,” says Boerenbond chairman Lode Ceyssens.

Just like CD&V, the Boerenbond also believes that there is too little room for development for farmers. “Our first analysis shows that this memorandum offers insufficient future for Flemish food production and cannot stand up in court. We conclude that an untenable distinction is still being made between agriculture and industry,” it sounds.

“No objections taken into account”

According to Boerenbond, the text also “ignores” the massive agricultural protest of last Friday and the note “does not take sufficient account of the more than 20,000 objections that were submitted”.

“We will continue to work hard for a viable agricultural and horticultural sector and future prospects for young farmers and will use all means to defend their interests,” concludes chairman Ceyssens.
