The Boccioni exhibition and other events not to be missed

Luca Locatelli recently won the World Press Photo – Environment Stories section – and has long been involved in documenting circular economy experiences. For Intesa Sanpaolo, in the last two years he has traveled in Europe looking for stories and images that spark debate on the ecological transition and the state of the planet.

World Oceans Day: the importance of sustainable fishing for the future of the planet

The Circle. Solutions for a possible future – more than 100 photos and videos – is the fruit of this experience. It tells how nature, habits borrowed over centuries and the most advanced technology can find a meeting point and circular balance to restore and support natural ecosystems.

INFO: Turin, Gallerie d’Italia, until 18 February.

Boccioni before Boccioni

Boccioni. Before Futurism has as its common thread the years of formation, those between the end of the nineteenth century and 1910 (the year in which the Manifesto of futurist painters), voted by the Calabrian artist to experiment with different techniques and styles, in the search for “his own” expressive language.

The story of this work does not follow a chronological criterion so much as a geographical one, divided into three: Rome, Padua-Venice, Milan. Three places where Boccioni lived and worked in contact with many other artists (and many of their works are on display): Balla, Sartorio, Severini in the capital, Marussig and Nomellini in Veneto, Segantini, Morbelli, Previati in Milan.

Umberto Boccioni, “The novel of a seamstress”, 1908

A journey through more than 200 paintings, preparatory drawings, engravings, among which Novel of a seamstress, Portrait of her sister, Self-portrait, Roman countryside. A section is dedicated to Boccioni’s tempera works for advertising illustrations.

INFO: Mamiano di Traversetolo (Parma), Magnani Rocca Foundation, until 10 December.

Remember together

On stage simultaneously in 130 Italian theatres, VajontS23 it is a plot in progress, “a choral action of civil theater” 60 years after the Vajont dam disaster.

The geologist Mario Tozzi in Milan remembers the Vajont (photo Getty Images).

Geologist Mario Tozzi opens in Milan with Warnings from an announced disaster – Natural disasters do not existfollowed by the Atir Company with One story, one hundred stories of water and the future from the 1993 theatrical monologue in which Marco Paolini narrated the events. At 10.39pm, the time the disaster occurred, a minute’s silence will be observed.

INFO: Milan and the rest of Italy, Teatro Carcano, 9 October.

A ghost in the theater

Again in Milan, he arrives The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew L. Webber. In English, with live orchestra conducted by Federico Bellone. Ramin Karimloo, one of the most esteemed musical performers in the world, will once again be the Phantom alongside the Italian-American soprano Amelia Milo, who will play the role of the female protagonist Christine Daaé.

The poster of “The Phantom of the Opera”

INFO: Milan, Teatro Arcimboldi, from 11 to 22 October.

Philosophical elisions

Emilio Isgrò. Horse syllogism recounts the Sicilian artist’s relationship with philosophy in almost 40 works (the exhibition was inaugurated as part of the FestivalFilosofia). In addition to a new version of the work cited in the title, also the 2014 series dedicated to Pico della Mirandola with the cancellation of 20 volumes of his Conclusions.

The poster of the exhibition “Emilio Isgrò. Horse syllogism”

INFO: Carpi, Palazzo dei Pio, until 10 December.

Andersen inspiration

In the context of Visavì Gorizia Dance Festival debuts Cultusthe new work as director and choreographer of Roberto Zappalà. The artist from Catania makes his company dance with the music and voices of The Little Match Girl Passion by David Lang, choral work inspired by Andersen’s fairy tale The little match girl.

“Cultus” makes its world premiere in Gorizia (photo by Guido Mencari).

8 dancers on stage in a physical and high-impact show where the body is at the center of a kaleidoscope of emotions and sensations. On tour until February.
INFO: Gorizia, Teatro Verdi, 12 October.

Precious spirals

From the 1940s to today, Serpenti has been an icon of Bulgari and the subject of infinite evolutions starting from jewel watches.

To celebrate the anniversary the Maison started the Serpenti Factoryinternational initiative on the snake as a source of inspiration, e 75 Years of Infinite Talesan exhibition that arrives in Milan with jewels, watches, videos, archive materials and the works of various international artists – including Quayola, Cate M, Fabrizio “Bixio” Braghieri, Filippo Salerni -, invited to propose their personal interpretation of the theme snake.

INFO: Milan, Dazio di Levante in Piazza Sempione, until 19 November.

