the BOA error that has gone viral

It is not a “Friday joke” or a ‘fake’. a mistake of Official Gazette of Aragon (BOA) has gone around the social networks, and it is that we have all identified ourselves with the phrase “Life does not give us more“. A user has come across this sentence in the official document -of more than 200 pages- in the section dedicated to the justifications of the subsidies and He has not hesitated to share it with his followers.

“In case you thought you’d seen it all. BO Aragón of January 24, 2023, page 1930“, has tweeted along with a photo of the official document of the community where the phrase is clearly seen: “explain something else here, decide if we do too, model of this section or life does not give us for more“.

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Many have reacted to the tweet thinking it was a joke, but reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction and we have been able to verify that this has been the case.

“It is the reality of people who have political responsibilities”

The same Tania Verge‘counseller’ of the Department of Equality and Feinisms of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya, has spoken about the viral tweet and has provided a comment empathizing with the editors of the BOA: “It can make us laugh, and nobody would want it to happen to them, but ‘it doesn’t give us life for more’ It is the reality of people who have political responsibilities. The intensity and volume of work is brutal, especially if you want to make the most of the opportunity to make changes in the background.”
