The Black Series Clone Trooper Helmet

Scout troopers, stormtroopers, snowtroopers – and of course clone troopers. Without the clone troopers (who, we know, are the best at using their laser rifles of all the soldiers), nothing works against the Empire.

Hasbro Pulses has now brought a new helmet onto the market: with a red camouflage pattern and an integrated voice-changing module so that you can sound like a real hero when you threaten the villains.

The Star Wars: The Black Series Clone Trooper Helmet is true to scale, with a series-inspired design and adjustable fit.

More details:

The 332nd Ahsoka’s Clone Trooper Roleplay Helmet is inspired by the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano asked the Jedi to help the besieged Mandalore. Despite little Republican support, a division of the 501st Clone Troopers pledged their loyalty to Ahsoka, demonstrated by their repainted helmets.


Star Wars The Black Series Clone Trooper Helmet
Star Wars The Black Series Clone Trooper Helmet

We are giving away two of the helmets. Simply fill out the form and specify “Clone Trooper”. Deadline for entries: December 31, 2023. Legal recourse is excluded.

Hasbro Pulses

Hasbro Pulses
