The Bishopric of Córdoba reprimands a priest for expelling a minor from a mass

03/15/2023 at 11:26


The child has a disability that prevents him from behaving normally

He Bishopric of Cordoba has reprimanded the priest who officiated the mass last sunday in the parish of Santa María de Gracia de Montalban for the deal who dispensed to the family of a minor with disability during the homily, forcing her to leave the temple, some events that have caused a stir in the municipality. The reprimanded priest officiated the mass in replacement of the titular parish priest.

As explained to this newspaper by the parents of the minor, who has 7 years and it is attending catechism to prepare for his communion next year, his son has a weird illness and a disability that exceeds 57%, which prevents you from behaving normally. “He says single words“explains the mother, Rafaela Zamoranowho adds that his son cannot follow the acts of the Eucharist at the normal pace, but that meet the head priest from the parish, who already knows about the minor’s situation.

The mother continues explaining that when her son saw that it was not the priest he knows he reacted and began to pronounce some words and he was restlessbefore which the substitute priest indicated that “if the child does not know how to behave, the mother should take him out on the street” and questioned the education that the parents were giving him.

Faced with such comments, the mother continues to explain, they chose to leave of the churchattitude that was seconded by the minor’s catechist and by other families and they indicate that although the officiant was informed of the child’s situation, the priest did not change his attitude and continued to reproach his behavior, which provoked the indignation of other faithful.

The mother indicates that at the end of the mass they went back in accompanied by other families and the catechist to ask for an explanation and apologize to the priest who refused to do it. “In the end, with a very rude attitude and with a smile of indifference he got on his knees in front of us and asked for forgiveness“, which the mother did not accept because “It was a fake pardon.”

The family brought the case to the attention of the titular priest and the Bishopric that has immediately taken action.

The first performance was get in touch with parents of the minor for apologize, This extreme was confirmed both by the mother and by the Diocese of Cordoba, which has informed this newspaper that “through the Vicar General of the Diocese, Antonio Prieto Lucenacontacted the child’s mother to convey the apologies for the unfair treatment received by his son during the celebration of the Eucharist in the parish of Montalbán”.

The Bishopric explains that “in this conversation, the Vicar General made available to the family the necessary resources to repair the damage» and adds that “the priest who presided over the Eucharist has been corrected and recognizes his very serious mistake. The Diocese of Córdoba deeply regrets what happened and wants to show your closeness, affection and consideration to the child’s family“.

Rafaela Zamorano has indicated that, in addition, from the Bishopric they have been asked to send a letter explaining everything that happened.
