The birth chart of Stella McCartney, Virgo with an activist horoscope

Hto a freshness in the gaze that enchants. Her light colors are from her mother Linda, the roundness of her face recalls that of her father. Virgo ascendant ScorpioStella is the second daughter of such a parent: Sir Paul McCartney.

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She could have shone with reflected light as the daughter of the beautiful Beatles, but her birth chart did not allow it. The planets in Virgo in the tenth house, abode of success, are the iron will to establish yourself as a stylist.

Growing up in the countryside, when friends asked her at school if she was Paul McCartney’s daughter she denied it and “pretended to be someone else”, grateful to her parents for having protected her from the media assault.

Stella McCartney was born on September 13, 1971 (photo Getty Images).

At 15 he began working for Lacroix. In 2001 she launched the fashion house under her own name. The rest is the story of a talented woman. The Moon in Cancer in the eighth house tells of the need for family roots.

Married to Alasdhair Willis, father of their four children, Stella fights in defense of animals. Always a vegetarian, she uses neither leather nor fur in her collections. An activist horoscope, especially in defense of women, the feminist legacy of her mother Linda. Shadow visible in her Moon in the eighth house. Home of death and luminous rebirth. So it will be. Stella is a Virgo ready to pass the baton to her children and future generations.

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