The Birth Chart of Silvio Orlando. The horoscope of a shy and deep Cancer

hto a look that goes straight to the heart. Silvio Orlando, Cancer, could not be otherwise. The ability to convey such an intimate flow of emotional states is rare. A relaxation of shyness, evening nostalgia, daytime sensibilities that reach straight to the viewer. His smile is enough to make the screen vibrateand his low voice seems to come from the depths to give that feeling full of melancholy and fortitude obtained thanks to Mars in the sign of Leo.

But it is not enough to be born under the sign of Cancer, Mercury must arrivebearer of dazzling intuitions and Venus in the same water sign, which spreads through the Christmas chart to quench the thirst of a need for closeness that shelters from the loneliness of a childhood betrayed by the early death of the mother.

The Moon in Leo conjunct Uranus signals the bond breakingbut he grows up playing the transverse flute that looks a bit like that crooked smile of his, ready to blow his happiness, so that he can go out for some air.

Silvio Orlando was born on June 30, 1957 (photo Getty Images).

And Silvio Orlando came out with talent and elegant introversion that conveys more than any exclaimed word. One must also have an element of Earth to hold this trepidation in place. AND Jupiter in Virgo is the ideal center of gravity to direct an extraordinary existential score with discipline and mastery.

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