The Birth Chart of Giancarlo Giannini, a multifaceted Lion

H.with clear eyes, bulging like those of a child in front of the mystery of the world. The meaning of life ranges in that gaze between candor, irony and bitterness.

Giancarlo Giannini was born on 1 August 1942 (photo Contrasto).

It is rare for a Leo to be so multifaceted but Giancarlo Giannini is also thanks to a Sagittarius ascendant who goes beyond pain, fatigue, joy.

It is a deep Leo with the Sun hosted by Scorpio in the eighth house, home of rebirth with Pluto and Mercury joined in the sign. They are the planets of the great actors, of the best voice actors in the world who, like him, gave voice to Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson and Dustin Hoffman.

And thanks to Saturn in the sixth house, Giannini sank into the soul of his characters with overwhelming intensity. From Metallurgical Mimì wounded in honor in Tunin Lombard peasant in Movies of love and anarchypassing through Carunchio poignant Sicilian sailor, in the film Overwhelmed by an unusual fate …

There are countless prizes, including Nastri d’Argento, Globi d’Oro and the Oscar nomination for Pasqualino Settebellezze directed by Lina Wertmüller.

“I’m still a child (but no one can scold me)” by Giancarlo Giannini (Longanesi).

But Giannini at one point felt the call of Jupiter and Venus in Cancer, planets of nostalgia, who asked to return to the past with an autobiography: I’m still a child (but no one can scold me). Perfect title for a Lion who has turned his spectacular light on an oceanic regret.

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