The birth chart of Caterina Caselli, an Aries on the hunt for talents

No.Not all Aries know how to manage happiness. Caterina Caselli she has done it since she was a child. When she felt it tickle like a tickle she made her kick around the house to turn up the volume on the radio. Then with the music on, she convinced her aunt to enroll her in singing school.

Impetuous, but with the mediumistic instinct of Mercury in Pisces, a planet of communication with an intuitive flick that will lead her to take flight to the Piper in Rome where it all began. The rest is the history of Italian music.

The Moon in his horoscope shines in Leo, in the sign of triumph. Here is the golden helmet, the winner of Sanremo, the young Emilian who goes wild on the singing scene breaking her mold with tenacity and frankness.

Caterina Caselli was born on 10 April 1946 (photo Tania / Contrasto).

Neptune opposite the Sun reveals the pain of a taciturn father who, mowing down his adolescence, decides to end it all. She senses the tragedy and, in order to process such a painful loss, runs towards musical satisfactions. Then she realizes that it is time for a change of pace.

The Cancer ascendant needs roots. Caterina alongside her husband and her son becomes an entrepreneur of new talents that she transforms into music giants.

She remains an Aries with melancholy fury who has been able to treat all emotions well, even the most uncomfortable. Caterina Caselli. One life, one hundred lives is the intense documentary on his existence.

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