The birth chart of Bruce Chatwin, Taurus with a restless horoscope

PTry to imagine a very handsome boy with a glint of disquiet in his eye. Scorpio ascendant Taurus, Bruce Chatwin will always alternate an empathic soul with a nomadic snobberyshadow of a mysterious introversion.

Bruce Chatwin was born on May 13, 1940 in Sheffield, UK (photo by Ulf Andersen/Getty Images).

As a child he moved with his mother Margharita Turnell, charming and restless like him, to escape the bombings. He grows up surrounded by a female world that adores him.

Saturn conjunct the Sun reduces the father figure in favor of an ambitious Moon in Leo conjunct Pluto which amplifies the need to be close to prestigious women.

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In 1966 he married the wealthy American Elisabeth Chanler, who knows his bisexuality and will stay with him until the end. At just over 20 years old moved by an innate talent and the insatiable curiosity of Mars in Gemini he starts working at Sotheby’s and within a few years becomes a sought-after art expert.

“In Patagonia” by Bruce Chatwin (Adelphi)

But he gets tired of the too narrow environments of that world. Nor is it enough for him to write short stories for the Sunday Times. It needs somewhere else. “Life is a journey to be made on foot.”

In 1974 he left for Patagonia where he wrote in six months In Patagonia, which decrees its success. He becomes a writer-myth. Venus in the eighth house indicates a sexuality attracted by the risk of the end. It leaves us with a new look at the world.

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