PTo sleep well, it’s better to stay on the left or right side? TO belly above or below? Some research has shown that lateral positions are better of the prone or supine position. However each side brings benefits different.
Location affects quality of life
“Studies have shown that the position one assumes during the night influences, positively or negatively, ours quality of life. Although some lateral positions they can cause some load on the spineit seems that these, in general, are better than other locations» explains the Doctor Luca De Martino, Physiotherapist and Osteopath. But which side is better to sleep on: the left side or the right side?
Sleeping on the left or right side: what are the advantages
“Sleep on the left side improves blood circulation towards the heart and favors the elimination of toxins. Helps the spleen work bettersince in this position the organ is facilitated by the force of gravity. Facilitates digestion And reduces the risk of gastric reflux, as the position favors the passage of digestive waste through the intestine towards the descending colon. Sleeping on the left side is also definitely useful for the circulation of pregnant women. Indeed, in this position the uterus does not put much pressure on the liver, blood flow to the uterus and kidneys is improved and the back is relieved, relieving pain. Sleep On the right sideinstead, it could represent a position ideal for improving breathing for people who suffer from sleep apnea», advises the expert.
Belly below or above?
«Who prefers to sleep belly aboveFor avoid discomfort in the lumbar spineor in the lower back, can try to place a pillow under your kneesso that they remain slightly bent, leaving unchanged the position of the lumbar lordosis. If the discomfort is instead at the cervical level and therefore concerns the neck and head, it is necessary pay attention to the height of the pillowit must be neither too high nor too low, as in both cases we could risk tense the back muscles of the neckbringing them into excessive flexion with a pillow that is too high, or into extension with a pillow that is too low», warns Doctor De Martino.
How to sleep if we have back pain
“I suggest you try to sleep on the side opposite to where the pain is feltplacing a pillow between the knees. Who used to sleep in the supine position will be able to place a pillow under the knees And in the prone position it might be helpful to place it under the abdomen. Lumbar pains are very subjective so in a first acute phase it’s important look for the most “analgic” position for your pain. There is no “magic” position that can immediately cancel the pain, but it is important to know which positions to adopt to try to get better”, underlines the expert.
The best locations when it’s hot
“One of the best locations to combat the summer heat is the supine one. It allows, in fact, to breathe more freely compared to the position on the side and on the stomach. Alternatively you can try the “position of the star”: yes it is lie on your back with your arms above your head. In this way contact between the arms and the trunk is avoided. Some can tolerate the heat well by sleeping on their stomachs with their arms on either side of the pillow. When it’s really hot, I recommend sleeping with legs slightly apart, so long as in this position you will sweat less due to rubbing of the limbs. Again, this is important adopt the best position for yourself» concludes Doctor De Martino.