The Best of the Year – The Secret Love Letters from Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp

For two weeks we repeat the best episodes of the past year and the makers themselves speak. You will hear new episodes from August 7.

Through the fences of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, lovers Lore Katz and Henk Hartog exchanged letters to each other every day. It was not until 60 years later that the existence of the correspondence became known. Editor Leonie van Nierop says that they provide a unique insight into how disease and hunger determined daily life in the camps, but also how they always continued to care for each other despite everything.

Quoting the texts from Lore’s letters requires permission from her heirs.

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Leonie van Nierop
Egbert Kalse
Mila-Marie Bleeksma
JP Geersing
Henk Ruigrok van der Werven
Roger Creamers
