The best oatmeal

Put the unsteamed oatmeal in the liquid to make already the night before.

Oatmeal becomes velvety when the flakes are allowed to swell in liquid overnight. Adobe Stock/AOP

Oatmeal is at its best when it is suitably loose and velvety soft.

For the perfect result, there is a trick that you should definitely try, especially with non-steamed flakes, which many say is the luxury product of oatmeal.

The trick is to make the porridge base the night before, i.e. mix the flakes with liquid and put the mixture in the fridge to wait for morning. In the morning, a light boil is enough for the porridge, and the velvety end result is guaranteed.

There have been whispers about Nikis Satu Koivisto in his blog already in 2019, and it is also used by the kitchen of Lapland Hotels Boulevard, whose oatmeal has been praised as the best in the world. Lapland Hotels’ famous porridge is already simmered for a long time on the first night, but in home conditions the initial simmering is not necessary.

The best porridge is created when you make it with milk or oat drink. With non-evaporated flakes, you should put 4 dl of the largest ones in a liter of liquid.

And don’t forget the salt, it’s one of the secrets of good porridge.

Wonderful porridge is also made from oat groats in the oven:

Oatmeal porridge

1.5 l of milk

2 dl oat flour (e.g. Kinnarin Tilan)

add salt to taste

2 tablespoons of butter

1. Add the ingredients to an ovenproof pot or pan.

2. First cook the porridge at 225 degrees for about 15 minutes. After that, lower the temperature to 175 degrees. Oven porridge cooks for about 2.5 hours.

3. Serve the baked porridge with various berries and fruits.

Recipe: Kinnarin Tila
