The best ‘llonguet’ in Catalonia is made by Forn de Cabrianes (Sant Fruitós de Bages)

  • The piece from Forn de Cabrianes (Sant Fruitós de Bages) wins a blind tasting in which the candidates themselves have participated with their assessments

We have best ‘llonguet’ in Catalonia. She has left after fourth edition of the professional contest organized by the Ernest Verdaguer social work of the Panàtics platform, with the support of the Barcelona Flequers Guild and the Catalan Federation of Associations of Forners Guilds, and in which 30 bakers from all over Catalonia.

The winner has come out of a blind tasting in which the candidates themselves have participated with their evaluations, with the winner of last year’s contest, David Hernández (Montserrat Forners), as president of the act.

The podium looks like this:

Related news

  1. Toni/Felip Abadal, from Forn de Cabrianes (Sant Fruitós de Bages).

  2. Maria Crespo, from Forn Bertran (Badalona).

  3. Mònica Gregori, from L’Obrador dels 15 (Barcelona), and Romano Alonso, from Cal Parra (Olost).

In addition to promote and recover a traditional bread from the Catalan artisan bakery such as ‘llonguet’the contest has a slope solidaritygiven that More than 400 of these breads were taken to the El Chiringuito de Dios soup kitchen in Raval in Barcelona.
