the best in the history of Spain (according to Vox)

  • The far-right party stimulates the patriotic fervor of those attending its annual party by honoring 52 historical figures, one per province, among whom prominent names in culture are missing

  • T-shirts with the slogan ‘Defend your borders’ were raffled at the event and slogans such as “we will return to 36” were sung by an ultra musical group

  • In his speech, Abascal crossed out the macho shouts of the Elías Ahuja residence hall as “nonsense of immature adolescents”

For Vox, the best of Spain is not its present or its future, but its past, or more specifically, certain passages and characters from his past. This is the main conclusion that can be drawn from the first day of the festival ‘Long live 22’ that the far-right formation is celebrating this weekend in Madrid.

The presentation of the event offered this Saturday a carousel of stale bill images in which Santiago Abascal, Javier Ortega Smith and other speakers could be seen addressing the attendees in front of a choir of extras dressed as friars, bullfighters, conquerors, Renaissance kings and armored knights, considered by the party as the most select of “The story we made together & rdquor ;.

This is how the motto chosen on this occasion by vox to summon its followers to its second annual party -the first was last year-, in which the party aspires to regain tone and show muscle after the discouragement left among the militancy by the poor results achieved in Andalusia and the abandonment of Macarena Olona.

The formation of Abascal considered that there is nothing better than looking at the past of Spain to instil spirit in their ranks and asked their provincial delegations to elect a historical character born in their lands who could represent them.

Bullfighters, priests and admirals

The staging of this idea resulted in a peculiar parade of figures such as the conqueror Hernan Cortes -representing Badajoz-, the bullfighter Pepe Marta -the best that Melilla has given in its history, according to Vox-, the priest Francisco Piquerfounder of the Monte de Piedad -the image of Teruel-, Philip II -the pro Valladolid of all time, in the opinion of the Castilian affiliates- and Admiral Alvaro de Bazanwho greeted the crowd on behalf of Granada dressed in the clothing he wore at the Battle of Lepanto.

Representing Barcelona, ​​the ultra formation has chosen Raphael Casanova, not for being a symbol of Catalanism but for “its defense of Austrian positions during the War of Succession”.

On Saturday afternoon, the images of the speakers surrounded by the troop of historical figures They gave a lot of play on social networks, between mockery for the impact caused by the images and comments on the particular selection of names that, in the eyes of Vox, make up the best of the country’s pastamong which the absence of outstanding figures of culture, such as Picasso, Dalí, or García Lorca, was striking.

Speeches and closures

The day allowed the attendees to listen to the speeches of the first match spades and representatives of far-right formations from other countries -such as the Portuguese André Ventura, from chega!and the Argentinian Javier Milei, from freedom advancesand enjoy popular festivities, such as the San Fermín children’s confinement in which minors could participate. There were also raffles for t-shirts with the motto “Defend your border & rdquor; printed on the chest.

Musicians such as rappers were in charge of animating the celebration G Babefamous for his pandemic denialist lyrics, and SantaFlowauthor of the song ‘La loco está en mí’, where he states: “I want to hit Jorge Javier’s fagot and that the donkey of Belén Esteban remains silent & rdquor ;.

However, the musical protagonist of the day was the duo meconiumcreators of songs like ‘Qué facha soy’ or ‘El machista no soy yo’, which made the audience chant: “We are going to return to 36 & rdquor ;.

Related news

Santiago Abascal took advantage of his speech to gloss over the figure of José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange, and position himself on the controversy over the macho shouts of the students of the college Elijah Ahuja, What do i consider “Immature adolescent nonsense & rdquor;.

Sunday’s session was more politically charged, since it included the direct intervention of the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, and the recorded messages of Donald Trump, Giorgia Meloni, Viktor Orbánthe Chilean conservative leader Jose Antonio Kast and former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe.
