The best Catalan hospitals to do the MIR

The union survey, which 427 residents have respondedask aspects such as schedules and breaks, the number of monthly guards, the time allocated to training, among others

Hospital Sabadell Taulí Parkthe one of terrace and the one of Sea of ​​Barcelona are the three centers top rated by intern doctors residents (MIR) for their working conditions and pay, while the worst are Joan XXIII from Tarragona, Bellvitge from L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Germans Trias from Badalona.

They are the results of a survey carried out by the Metges de Catalunya union (MC) to residents with the aim of drawing up a list of hospitals and primary care teaching units in the territory based on their respect for the labor and training rights of future specialists.

The union survey, which 427 residents have responded (10% of all MIRs in Catalonia), questions aspects such as hours and breaks, the number of monthly shifts, the time spent on training, the quality of supervision or their remuneration rights, both in primary care and in hospitals .

The results of the survey

According to the average of the scores obtained, the three large hospitals -with more than 100 residents on their staff- that obtain the best rating are the Hospital of the Terrassa Health Consortium (CTS), the Parc Taulí in Sabadell and the Parc del Mar, in the capital Catalan.

At the bottom of the list, those with the lowest scores are Joan XXIII from Tarragona, Bellvitge from L’Hospitalet and Germans Trias from Badalona (Barcelona).

Between the small hospitals -with less than a hundred residents-, best valued are Figueres (Girona), Mollet del Valles (Barcelona) and Pere Mata of Reus (Tarragona), and those with the worst scores are Vic (Barcelona), Verge de la Cinta in Tortosa (Tarragona) and the Barraquer Ophthalmology Center in Barcelona.

In terms of primary care, the Terrassa Health Consortium -in this case the CAP-, together with the ACEBA center in Barcelona and the Family and Community Care teaching unit (AFiC) in Girona, and the worse are the AFiC of Tarragona and Lleida and the Maresme Sanitary Consortium (Barcelona).

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On the other hand, the study shows that 16 centers do not insure the MIR the rest day after to a 24-hour guard and 10 of them do not guarantee a minimum weekly rest of 36 uninterrupted hours.

For MC, the survey data shows that, in many cases, the working conditions of residents “need to improve”, especially in those aspects related to the right to rest and conciliation.
