“The Bernabéu thing was a shame”

Joan Laporta joined Xavi’s complaints, who denounced after the Madrid-Almería scandal that “he found it very difficult to win the League.” The president went even further, complaining that the three VAR reviews ordered by Hernández Hernández ended up influencing the match official, Hernández Maeso. “The Bernabéu thing was a shame,” said the Barça leader at the gala organized by the Barcelona newspaper ‘Mundo Deportivo’.

“I think that the referee team must respond to a series of pressures that are occurring throughout the season,” Laporta revealed, notably toughening the official speech issued by Barcelona, ​​fed up with those errors that favor the Madrid.

Abandonment of functions

“If they don’t give an answer, they leave us very worried because I understand that there is an abandonment of functions,” the leader stressed, remembering, of course, that he was “happy” for the victory of Xavi’s team over Betis in Seville (2-4 ).

“It was a day to cut points, but due to referee decisions and a VAR re-arbitration it has not occurred”


President of Barça

“It was a very intense match, the team is getting stronger and more cohesive. “Now what we want is that now that we are improving we want to have sporting rewards,” said the Barça president. “It was a day to cut points, but due to referee decisions and a VAR re-arbitration it has not occurred,” added the leader.

The president’s “optimism”

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Then, Laporta wanted to show his optimism about the possibilities of achieving titles this season. “When a team is improving and feels increasingly stronger and has more unity within the locker room, in addition to recovering players like Ter Stegen soon, I am very optimistic. I am very much so,” indicated the Barça leader.

“I think we will have our reward because the other rivals will stumble like we have had in the first phase of the season,” said the Barça president. “We work and fight every day to be in all the competitions,” he concluded.
