The Berlinale is also a bit of a return to normality

Red carpet, but no festival glamor because of the Corona rules. BZ editor Stefan Peter comments on the start of the Berlinale.

Even a global pandemic cannot change that: The Berlinale is still one of the most important film festivals in the world! Since Thursday evening, the red carpet has been rolled out again at Potsdamer Platz, and the contributions will be running throughout the city until next week.

But it’s not a film festival like in the pre-Corona times: hardly any international stars, masks are compulsory in the hall, test buses in front of the cinema. It really isn’t festival glamour!

In any case, many Berliners will ask themselves whether the Berlinale should not have simply been postponed by a few weeks. 2G rules still apply in retail, students and teachers have to be tested every day, we should all continue to reduce contacts. Does a festival really fit into the time?

On the other hand, the hotel and catering industry, which has been suffering for a long time, is looking forward to at least a few additional guests. And don’t most of them wish for a return to normality? This also includes such a festival!

also read

► The Berlinale 2022 is open!

► For the Berlinale jury, film is the religion celebrated in cinemas

Those who prefer not to buy a ticket for the Berlinale this time out of concern about the risk of infection can console themselves: Many films end up on Netflix and Amazon much faster than before Corona.

Without a mask on the sofa – it’s much easier to eat the popcorn!


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