The Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce considers climate neutrality by 2030 to be unrealistic

View of the Ludwig-Erhard-Haus in Berlin-Charlottenburg, where the IHK is based

View of the Ludwig-Erhard-Haus in Berlin-Charlottenburg, where the IHK is based Photo: KH Spremberg/Shotshop/picture alliance

From BZ/dpa

The Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) considers climate neutrality in the capital in just seven years to be unrealistic.

A climate-neutral Berlin as early as 2030 is desirable, but not realistically feasible given the current framework conditions, according to a statement published on Friday about the climate referendum in just over a week.

“Climate neutrality for Berlin by 2045 is feasible,” the IHK continued. Despite this already ambitious mark, Berlin should rise to the challenge of achieving the goal before 2045 if possible. “The economy will make its contribution.”

In the referendum on March 26, a citizens’ initiative wants Berlin to become climate-neutral by 2030 and not by 2045 as previously planned. The country’s energy transition law is to be changed for this purpose. Climate neutrality means that no greenhouse gases are emitted in excess of those absorbed by nature or other sinks.


IHK climate referendum climate change referendum
