the benefits and consequences on the skin | iO Woman

PPracticing sport is good, not only for your health but also for your skin, which becomes brighter, more oxygenated, with a healthier complexion. However, there are also some “cons”: runner face,is the definition, in jargon, of a face on the contrary, more tested and prematurely aged due to an incorrect sports beauty routine. Let’s see why.

The effects of outdoor sport on the skin

Running especially, like other outdoor sports, can have consequences on the skin of the face and body, especially due to sweat and the sun. While on the one hand running improves epidermal oxygenation, reduces toxins and therefore gives greater brightness, there are also cons.

Let’s start with the pros: sports index the skin to reduce the activities of inflammatory molecules that cause cellular aging, melanin is stimulated and the complexion appears healthiercells are more oxygenated. In the end the stimulation of endorphins relieves stress, with benefits even on the regulation of sebum production.

Sport and mental health: 15 minutes a day is enough to feel good

Now, the cons: «First of all the dryness. During the run the sweat is not drained but macerates on the skin. This not only makes it drier, especially around the lips, but also more delicate and sensitive to contact allergies» explains the doctor Antonio Ascari Raccagni, specialist in dermatology at the Maria Cecilia Hospital in Cotignola and the GVM Care & Research facilities in Romagna.

Added to this is the effect of the sun: «If the skin is not adequately protected, the sun causes skin aging which in this case is mainly concentrated around the eye contour area. The action of squeezing them causes the appearance of small wrinkles in the long run, which are then emphasized by the sun’s action».

Izabel Goulart (@izagoulart Instagram)

What is the phenomenon of the “runner face”

Is it therefore correct to believe that running ages the skin faster? “Not exactly. Running, being a sport based on a cadenced rhythm, rather than causes aging accentuates already present characteristics and propensities, exactly as they do other sports that are practiced outdoors and that have a constant rhythm».

Proper skincare and habits to adopt

A good face beauty routine is essential, if you practice daily physical activity.

“It is essential to have some good habits. First of all, it is often underrated but cleanse the skin first of physical activity is important: in fact, the perspiration of the day is eliminated but above all make-up residues and waste which, running, can cause irritation. Usefulin case of sensitive skin of the body, apply talcum powder in the areas where you tend to sweat more, for example the feet and in the folds of the body such as the groin, to avoid redness» explains the expert.

It is also essential to choose sport-proof sunscreens: in fact they boast technologies resistant to sweat, heat and sun for a long time, some even up to 80 minutesleaving no residue on the skin and absorbing quickly, providing broad-spectrum protection from UVA and UVB rays.

Do not forget sunglasses, to avoid squinting too much thus preventing wrinkles on the area, hats to protect the hair and avoid burning the skin, and choose technical fabrics which do not irritate the epidermis too much. «I always recommend testing them with a short session. In fact, some fabrics, if you have particularly sensitive skin, cause irritation especially in very particular areas, such as the neck, armpits, even nipples ».

And the sporting activity is over, what is the inevitable gesture? “After showering, applying a moisturizer to the face and body. In fact, the skin needs to be regenerated, hydrated and nourished, actions that are guaranteed only by these products. Finally, never forget the ends: even the feet deserve attentiontherefore menthol creams, light and refreshing, or even simple talcum powder are essential at the end of the session».

