The behind the masks

We are, among many other things, the product and result of our constructed image and the links with our most significant and influential beings, that is, we are entering and leaving those relationships. We are also what we do with what they made of us and, based on all this, we are what we express with our faces and with our emotional responses to the different stimuli received and our interpersonal experiences.

The construction of a custom-made mask, for a referent who stands before society as a leader or as a savior is a very sophisticated craftsmanship, but in these primary elections what is difficult is that these referents can hold tightly the strings of their masks for sixty days that without a doubt, it was made clear, will be virulent. It is not enough in the face of so much vertigo to strengthen his virtues, it is necessary to minimize and catalyze his weaknesses.

To understand the process of articulating masks both politically and psychosocially in the communication and installation of an individual, understanding it as related to any of the three candidates, we can perceive as the first visible face that of an irritable or annoying person (an epithet very wisely used to describe an angry person but without the corresponding oral expressiveness).

Secondly we would appreciate one of rage behind the chinchudo mask. Then, thirdly, we would see a face of sadness, crying behind the furious mask. And finally an unprotected child, helpless and alone behind the mask of sadness.

The multitherapists of the social mass agree that it is essential to heal ourselves, to heal that wounded, unprotected, abandoned, mistreated, rejected child. That’s not a shortcut. It is a correct path that revival is to remember our traumatic events with emotion so that they stop happening, torturing ourselves and torturing others in the present.

Each mask has a meaning for each person and this can be different depending on the identity that you want to give it, hence its richness as an instrument of non-verbal communication, as an intermediary instrument that facilitates the transition between the internal and the external, at the service projection and introjection of emotional states”.

And it is there that we could classify them by their type of communication in:
● Basic emotions: joy, fear, anger, etc.
● Unconscious aspects of the personality: emotions not mentalized, for example, envy.
● Relational conflicts: between people, between towns, between tribes.
● Mental representations or internal objects of the individual: identities that one wants to show or protect.
The mask festival has already begun and in just two months the mystery will be over: there will be a single mask sitting on the Rivadavia armchair or dancing in celebration on the balcony of the Casa Rosada or talking on national channels for four long years.

by Jorge Guareschi. Psychiatrist and Clinical Analyst.

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