The behavior of the 90 days as a bride star is confusing: “Your wife didn’t do anything!”

In the laundry series, not everyone has enough understanding for Mahmoud El Sherbiny.

Nicole feels like she’s between a rock and a hard place in the TV studio. Discovery

Other 90 days as a bride -reality stars judge by Mahmoud El Sherbiny behavior. It turns out Laundryin the series, where the events of the latest episode are reviewed and commented on.

The episode in question was shown on us yesterday, and it can be found on Discovery+. The laundry comes today from TLC.

In the reunion episode, Mahmoud got nervous because he was asked, among other things, why he orders his wife Nicole’s about covering clothing and what kind of dress code Mahmoud plans to raise his own potential children with. The man stormed off the scene, and Nicole was sent after him to persuade Mahmoud back in front of the TV cameras.

Nicole and Mahmoud’s life together has been full of clashes. Discovery

Mahmoud’s cursing, raging, kicking a tree, blaming Nicole and other behavior causes wonder and confusion among the participants of Jälkipyik.

– Don’t take out your anger on your wife! Your wife has done nothing! Robert Springs appeals to Mahmoud, although of course he doesn’t hear it.

Roberta follows Annie-with his wife already recorded events via his own TV and just commented out loud what he saw.

In her own home, Nicole’s calmness is surprising Loren Brovarnik.

– How does Nicole stay so incredibly calm?

Alexei Brovarnik also has enough understanding for Mahmoud, which Loren’s wife wonders about. Discovery

The sisters pay attention to the same thing My fish and Kolini Faagata.

– You speak in that tone of voice to your sons when they have tantrums, Kolini pointed out to his sister.

– One hundred per cent. “Let’s talk like the big boys,” Kalani gives an example of how she reminds her young children of manners.

90 Days as a Bride: Worldwide: Laundry tonight on TLC at 7:55pm & Discovery+. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
