The beauty ingredients in the skincare of 2023

cLike every aspect of the world of beauty, even the beauty ingredients for skincare in 2023 it is probable that trends will follow: if in 2022 there have been at the center of the cosmetic focus niacinamide, azelaic acid, collagen and retinol, next year will have more in store for us. Let’s find out what.

The beauty ingredients in the skincare of 2023

During 2022 we have seen several skincare trends: from double cleansing to minimalism skins, passing through the craze of exfoliation and acids for the skin, capable of smoothing the signs of aging and imperfections with delicacy.

For the 2023 will keep the most common skin needs at the center of its cosmetic focus (such as delaying the signs of aging and eliminating dark spots), but with particular attention to protecting the skin and restoring its barrier: sensitive, fragile and fragile skin is now a global phenomenon that affects over 60% of people in the world, reveal various dermatological studies on a global scale.

Blue tansy, mushrooms and seaweed are among the beauty ingredients of 2023 (Credits: Instagram)

1) Mushrooms, the new must

Rich in vitamins, mineral salts and anti-inflammatory substances, for some years now mushrooms have been increasingly establishing themselves among the natural anti-aging beauty ingredients.

Tremella mushrooms will remain among the most requested beauty ingredients of 2023, considered “superheroes of hydration” because they retain moisture in the skin in a similar way to hyaluronic acid. Furthermore, thehigh vitamin D content within them allows to support the skin immune system.

1) Colostrum: for smooth skin like milk

Among the beauty 2023 ingredients, the colostrum could be one of the most interesting. Also known as “first mother’s milk”, it has balancing properties on the microbial flora and would make the skin smooth as silk, giving a feeling of softness.

Of animal origin – at least until a veg equivalent is formulated – it is an interesting ingredient for restoring skin barrier, as it is rich in proteins, fatty acids and nutrients.

2) Linoleic acid: to deeply hydrate

L‘linoleic acid, also known as vitamin F, it is an ally capable of soothing dry and rough skin, making nails stronger and counteracting hair loss.

In the skincare field, linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, is also useful for maintain the integrity of the skin barrierto counteract acne and seborrheic dermatitisa and maintain hydration for longeror.

3) Algae, powerful anti-aging

They stimulate collagen synthesis and slow down skin aging: le Seaweed I am among skincare ingredients already super stars of 2022 who will remain on the podium of formulations also in 2023.

They are usually included, in the form of an extract, in anti-aging creams and formulas for fight the signs of aging, but Frthey can be too used pure, dry, in small pieces, as masks with a remineralizing and revitalizing action. Also excellent in the formulation of bodycare products: they drain excess liquids, firm the tissues and minimize the appearance of cellulite.

4) Blue Tansy essential oil

Taken from small yellow flowers of Moroccan origin, the essential oil of Blue tansy it is useful for soothe the skin, relieve itching caused by dermatitis or sunburn e calm redness after beauty treatments. Furthermore, thanks to its perfume, this innovative beauty ingredient would be able to drive away negative thoughts and stress. And nature is confirmed as the best ally of beauty.

