The beauty agenda of April 2022, news from the world of beauty

C.prevention campaigns, creative spaces, collaborations, beautiful ideas: what you need to know from the cosmetic world in this month’s beauty diary.

The beauty Agenda for April 2022:

Filorga and cervical cancer prevention in pharmacies

Are approximately 2,400 cases of cervical cancer in Italy every year. Here because Filorga thought of a nice gesture: the “PAP Test suspended”. From 4 to 10 April, in pharmacies participating in the #Donnechesupportanoledonne initiative, it will be possible book an agreed prevention screening At Cdi Italian Diagnostic Center or Cerba HealthCar Groupand, quickly and with priority.

Symbol of the initiative, the Global-Repair pouch for every purchase, with the Cervical Cancer Prevention Guide from doctor Roberta Daccòcoordinator of the Obstetrics and Gynecology service of the CDI Italian Diagnostic Center.

Furthermore, Filorga and Francesca Rava Foundation they also made a educational video tutorialpublished on the YouTube channels of the brand and the Foundation, with the aim of getting this message to women of all ages, with immediate and comprehensive language through social media.

Acqua di Parma opens ColLab, to celebrate creativity

It is a special project what Parma’s water created in collaboration with the European Institute of Design (IED) from the 4 to 10 April in the Acqua di Parma Boutique, in Via Gesù 1, Milan. The store of the high perfumery and barbershop brand is transformed into a creative hub where six Italian designers will give free rein to their creativity, proposing six different themes to make one exclusive collection of 300 bottles of the House’s Colonies.

Moreover, it is even possible schedule an individual session with your favorite artist and then receive your own little piece of art at home. The artists? Margherita Caspani and his “animalia”; Paolo Moscheni and “overlaps” on the theme of equality, love and friendship; Claudia Bernardi and his works on the theme of cards and chess; Sara Brienza with his lucky creations; Lucrezia Viperina expert in small towns in miniature e Anna Spreafico, passionate about stars and zodiac signs. A dynamic contamination of techniques, visions, colors and above all art. Profmata and decorative.

Reservations are already active on the site, at this Link.

Let’s go with Fare x Bene Insieme in schools

The beauty brand Miamo cares not only for women, but also for teenagers: from April until December 2022 part the SeTiAmi project in collaboration with the non-profit association Fare X Bene, expert in the field of educational projects,

The initiative will consist of a series of training sessions in some schools in Milan, Rome and Palermo and will involve over 500 students to offer young people a point of support, help them to deepen the awareness of their own being and increase the self-esteem of each, learning to accept themselves and others in such a complex historical and social moment.

The project will be financed by Miamo, and speaking of beauty we will talk about body care as a process of self-knowledge, inclusiveness, bullying and cyberbullying related to the body, up to the prevention of diseases such as obesity, bulimia and anorexia. For learn about and support activities and projects in schools:

April 7, Avon for World Health Day

Each year, the April 7, all over the world the ‘”World Health Day ”, the world health dayan event closely linked toWorld Health Organization with the aim of achieving the best possible level of physical and mental well-being by the world population.

Also Avon, the world’s leading brand in the beauty sector in the direct sales channel of cosmetic products, contributes with a symbolic gesture: throughout the April and May, for each purchase the Promise Enamel Brooch. for € 3.99. The proceeds come donated to charity in support of local and national charities that support the fight against breast cancer. For the past 30 years, Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women they donated more than $ 939 million and funded over $ 16.4 million for breast screening.

Garnier with LAV, to facilitate the adoption of dogs and cats

The project is called “Let’s donate a family together”And aims to enhance the gesture of adopting animals: they believe in it Garnier and LAV the Anti-Vivisection League. The purpose is facilitate the adoption of dogs and cats giving concrete help to eager families to accommodate an animal, but slow down or in difficulty for the expenses to be incurred. In fact, from a survey by the Federconsumatori National Observatory, it emerges that keep a dog in the first year of life it requires between 1,707.70 and 2,500 euros per year depending on the size.

For each adoption carried out with LAV, according to a scrupulous process in all its phases, from the choice of the animal to the insertion and post-adoption checks, delivered a special kit signed by LAV and Garnier: each kit will allow take advantage of a veterinary check-up, purchase of food, treatments and useful items for dogs and catsin addition to a post-adoptive consultation with a dog educator or a consultant for the feline relationship who can support in the resolution of any problems.

Furthermore, for each purchase of a Garnier product, the brand will donate 1 euro to LAV, to continue to support their commitment, which in 2020 alone led to the adoption of about 1000 dogs and cats.

Finding a chance to work with Yves Rocher

“Start now”an invitation to act: Yves Rocher is looking for beauty experts throughout Italy to be involved in Social Selling network, the evolution of direct sales in a digital key which gives everyone the opportunity to develop their own independent career path and customize it according to their growth and career desires.

The figures required under the name of Social Seller are of various types (Consultants, Parent Company, Area Managers) each with their own history, career, approach to the profession and working methods. United in the creed of the brand with a green soul, became B-Corp, that is, a company certified for active commitments to the environment, society and the future. From March 31, 2022, applications are open: info, more information on the site

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L’Occitane and hand cream for UNICEF

From 6 years L’Occitane collaborates with UNICEF to contribute to the improvement of prevention of childhood blindness supporting integration programs around the world: more than 5.5 million children have been helped since 2017. And a small gesture is enough, the purchase of Unicef ​​solidarity hand cream, for only 8 euros. The goal is to reach a total of 7 million children by 2022.

