The BBC presenter, who is in the middle of the accusations, made a panicked call to the teenager who sent the sexual images

A well-known male presenter of the BBC is said to have paid more than 40,000 euros to a young person for sexual images. According to new claims, the man appealed to the young man so that the investigation of the matter would be stopped.

An unnamed BBC presenter is said to have called the young man in a panic, who claims he bought sexual images from him. PDO

New information about the behavior of the BBC presenter, who is the subject of harsh accusations, has come to light in the media. A well-known male presenter is said to have paid almost 41,000 euros to a teenager for sending sexual images over the course of a few years. The person is said to have been 17 years old when the events began, and is now 20 years old. The host’s identity has not been made public, which has led to intense speculation.

The Sun reports new allegations about the activities of the BBC presenter. According to the newspaper’s information, the presenter made two phone calls to the young man in a panic after the accusations became public last week.

– What have you gone to do? the host reportedly said on the phone.

In addition, the newspaper says that the host allegedly asked the young person to call his mother so that she would “end the investigation” related to the matter.

Previously, the young man’s family has publicly stated that the young man used the money he received from the presenter on drugs and became a crack addict.

Contact the police

On Sunday, the BBC published a press release on the subject and said that it had shelved the host in question. The public broadcasting company said that it takes the accusations seriously.

– The BBC is working as quickly as possible to gather the necessary facts so that we can decide on the right next steps, the BBC said.

The press release said that the BBC first became aware of the allegations in May. According to the company, it received new information about the case last Thursday and has also been in contact with external authorities. The Greater London Police Service confirmed that it had received a contact from the BBC about the case. It is reported in the British media that representatives of the BBC will meet with the police today, Monday.

The Sun reports that the family of the young person who sent the sexual images is unhappy with the BBC’s announcement. The family said no one from the BBC had contacted them since the allegations were first made in May to do a “proper interview”. In the past, the BBC has indicated that the family in question did not respond to their contact.

The young person’s mother has said in an interview that she saw a screenshot of a video call where the star presenter had stripped down to her underwear. According to the mother, in the picture seen from her child’s cell phone, it looked as if the presenter was expecting some kind of performance from her child.

Sources: The Sun, BBC, Sky News
