the barons of the PP who play it on 28-M

05/15/2023 at 07:11


The results of 28-M will also leave internal readings. Some popular candidates take the elections as the last chance, while other barons, despite Feijóo’s messages, are seen as assets for the future regardless of what happens

It was one of the first messages that Alberto Núñez Feijóo he sent his barons when he became president of the PP: he only wants winning candidates by his side. His political discourse has continued in this line, defending the thesis that rule the most voted list —requires reciprocity from the PSOE, yes— and insulting the pacts between losers that his party also used in 2019 to seize power. At the start of the campaign he again sent a message from Valencia that more than one noted: “We are not going to govern losing. We are only going to govern by winning.”

Euphoria broke through in a city where the PP sees itself as a winner. Also in the Valencian Community, waiting to see how the sum of the blocks turns out. It could happen that the PP wins, but fails to govern. In other communities, like Castilla la Manchathey noticed more pressure. There are territories in which the PP could be the second force, but it would come to power by agreeing with Vox. In Genoa they take it for granted that they would be very specific cases, while the candidates try to come down to earth: “If we can snatch an important place from the PSOE, we will do it & rdquor ;.

What is clear is that in these elections, which are key to the future of Feijóo, many regional barons also play it. In Castilla-La Mancha, the leader of the PP said this Friday that the change “was touched with your fingers & rdquor ;. Despite the fact that the PSOE take it for granted that Emiliano García-Page will revalidate, the PP data suggests that the outcome will come by a handful of votes. The conservative candidate Paco Nunezreaped its first big failure in 2019. But, as they say in their environment, “the game was behind him & rdquor; and he fought until he reached the regional congress in which he took over the presidency of the PP in his community.

Feijóo and María Guardiola, PP candidate for the presidency of Extremadura. | Andres Rodriguez

The bad relationship with the previous secretary general, Teodoro García Egea, gave him some fright. But organic power was the passport to the candidacy. In his environment they value what Núñez will do on May 28: if he manages to take over the presidency opens a before and after. Castilla-La Mancha is not just any place and the symbolic value would be enormous for the PP, in addition to the fact that he would become ‘de facto’ a relevant baron within his formation. Even if he doesn’t make it, they repeat on his team, he will reap “enormous & rdquor ; political success. The thing is, if he doesn’t get it and Page rules, its continuity is questioned at the head of the Castilian-Manchego PP.

Doubts arise based on the results within two weeks in more territories. the cantabrian Maria Jose Saenz de Buruaga He publicly thanked Feijóo a few days ago at a breakfast in Madrid: “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here. We both know it & rdquor ;, he said. The message highlighted the internal wounds that in some cases still persist after the departure of the previous leadership.

García Egea exercised with an iron hand in many communities. Cantabria was one without a doubt. The popular ones assure that the party could be the force with the most votes on 28-M, although they do not deny the possible addition of Miguel Ángel Revilla to the PSOE. If the PP does not govern, they admit to the party, the options for renewal in the candidacy also grow.

It happens with other candidates signed directly for this occasion such as the Asturian Diego Cangasan official of the European Union for almost 30 years, who allowed a consensus solution for the Asturian PP where many issues remain to be resolved.

on the side of the assets with the best political future beyond what happens on 28-M, according to leaders of the dome, is the Extremaduran Maria Guardiola. The candidate for the presidency of Extremadura won integers in the new direction from the first day.

“María only needed a few months to win on the street,” said a conservative leader with extensive experience, to stage that he has a long way to go and that, had he had more time, the PP would have taken victory for granted. It will be one of the communities where the party grows the most, although the Government continues to be very complicated due to the strength of Guillermo Fernández Vara. Even so, in Genoa no one doubts its continuity even if it does not govern.

Similar case to Jorge Azcon, who left the Zaragoza mayor’s office to make the leap to the autonomic ones and measure himself with Javier Lambán. All the polls place the PP in the lead and with a considerable advantage over the PSOE. But in Aragon the fragmentation of parties is enormous and, for this reason, they recognize in the PP that “it is very difficult& rdquor; predict victory. Lambán currently governs with three other parties, and the new division of the PAR makes the scenario even more difficult. Everyone trusts Jorge Azcón with a great future beyond 28-M.

The barons that will continue to be consolidated yes or yes will be Isabel Díaz Ayuso in Madrid and Fernando López Miras in Murcia, which will strengthen his internal position even more. The case of the woman from Madrid is special, for obvious reasons, as is Juanma Moreno, who is not examined in regional ones, but in local ones. The woman from Madrid and the Andalusian are still seen as the two great candidates to succeed Feijóo when that time comes.
