The ballot box is open! Choose your carnival cracker of the year now

The Choose Your Kraker ballot box is open! The election of the best carnival cracker of the year is back in full regalia. What is your favorite of the 33 songs? Vote now!

Cast your vote here!

More than 200 carnival numbers were submitted this year to compete for the title of the best carnival cracker. A professional jury of seven people had the difficult task last week to choose 33 fantastic records from those 200 songs that compete for the Kies Je Kraker trophy of 2023.

Their job is done, and now it’s up to you. At exactly 11 past 9 this morning, the ballot box was opened on the radio in the Wakker!

In two rounds from 33 to 1
The first round of the election will run until Monday, February 13 at 7:11 p.m. The 11 songs with the most votes then remain, the rest are unfortunately eliminated. Voting round two will start almost immediately afterwards. Everyone is back to 0, so all remaining squatters have the same chance again.

Then you can vote until February 16 at eight o’clock in the evening. The next day the winner will be announced during the kick-off of carnival: 3 Hours Vurraf. Of course you can follow that live on TV, radio and internet in Roeptoetgat!

You can vote Want to know everything about carnival in Roeptoetgat? Look here.
