The attacker scores and celebrates with a rude gesture. La Liga denounces it

Immediately after the rude gesture, the attacker made amends and apologized: “I have no idea why I did it, I’m sorry”

What happened in the Segunda División of Spanish football is sensational. Last Monday afternoon, Real Zaragoza striker Victor Mollejo took center stage by scoring the goal that sealed his team’s victory. So far so good, then the scene: when he reached the flag he rejoiced by repeatedly touching his genitals. A vulgar celebration that did not go unpunished by the authorities. Despite the player’s timely apologies “I apologize to all those who felt offended and I want to say that I am sorry. My action does not respect the education that was given to me and now, coldly, I have no idea why I did it” La Liga has opened a file to warn him. With great probability, Mollejo will have to serve a nice disqualification.
