The artists in the Masters in the Arena line-up commented

Vesala, Ellinoora, Jenni Vartiainen and Kaija Koo say they respect the artists of the original line-up of Masters in the Arena.

Ellinoora, Kaija Koo, Jenni Vartiainen and Vesala are the new Masters in the arena. Viivi Huuska

At the turn of the 21st century, Pepe Willberg, Hector, Pave Maijanen and Kirka toured the Champions Arena.

Last week, it was reported that the Masters in the arena would make a comeback – with a new artist table setting.

This time they take the stage Jenni Vartiainen, Ellinoora, Kaija Koo and Vesala. The tour will start next fall.

According to Helsingin Sanomat, Pepe Willberg and Hector have regretted that the tour name is being used again.

Willberg says the reheat is almost a grave robbery because two members of the former Masters in the Arena lineup have died.

Hector, on the other hand, says in a story in Helsingin Sanomat that the re-use of the name is also an insult to the original fans.

Both musicians have received outrageous comments about the re-introduction of the name, with different performers.

– It is obvious that Masters has been our thing, and now it will be re-introduced without asking us and only new artists will be replaced. It says something about the culture of today’s music business, Hector told Helsingin Sanomat.

Iltalehti also sought out Hector and Willberg, but these no longer wanted to comment further.

On Sunday night, Vesala, Ellinoora, Kaija Koo and Jenni Vartiainen shared the same text on Facebook in connection with the upcoming Champions in the Arena tour.

– About the masters.

– We gladly joined this project, with good intentions and on the assumption that all parties are on the side. We are sorry that the name of the tour has caused resentment. The only thing common to the events is that this, too, is a joint tour of four big artists. Now, in 2022, we are, of course, doing something quite unique with this group, the text begins.

It then states that the new “masters” have great respect for their colleagues.

– The Masters tour brought light to a dark time in Finland in the 90’s and we also want to bring warmth to this time.

– At the same time, however, we are also extremely proud of what each of us has achieved as an artist. We carry our crown upright from our own careers, the Facebook post continues.

At the end, all four Masters in the Arena artists look forward to the fall and welcome everyone to join.

– Peace and love, the post ends.

It has been signed by all four: Vesala, Jenni Vartiainen, Kaija Koo and Ellinoora.

If you don’t see the Facebook embed, you’ll be able to access it from this link.
