The art of founding life for the 12 zodiac signs

«Mwhy can’t you found life within yourself?». What a powerful question Haim Baharier asked in the book The almost empty suitcase. Instinctively one has to answer: why run away! The more time passes, the more it is sucked in like the last whirlpool in the sink. To found it, we would have to weld our memories starting from feeling in our mother’s womb up to the most recent memory, all united in a rope.

“Map of the Northern Skies” (1515) by Albrecht Dürer, at the request of the imperial astronomer Johann Stabius (Charles Walker Collection / Alamy Stock Photo).

But if we ask the zodiac signs, the Virgin she claims that for her it doesn’t matter to found life within herself, but to rake it like an English lawn. The Cancer moved by the question, he would get lost in the labyrinth of amarcord. And the fire signs, Aries, Leo And Sagittariusare ready to retort: ​​”We weld life every day with the sparks of the blowtorch!”.

What about the air signs? Gemini, Libra And Acquarium they are children of the wind that flies high, and goes far beyond: founding life does not concern them. The Scorpio is silent. He engraved life in his soul like a tattoo that still burns. The Bull and the Capricornsilent, they raise their eyebrows, as if to say we are the granite founders of existence.

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Emma Watson and the controversy over her topless:

And i Fish they retort: ​​“If to found life, you intend to capture moods, sounds, and that vibration of fears and imagination then yes, we have done it. Forming a great fresco of humanity. Because for us, existing is always and only merging with emotion”.

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