The Arab League summit begins with messages of unity and in defense of the Palestinian cause

The representatives of the Arab countries are already in Algiers to celebrate the Summit of the Arab league after three years of hiatus. In the opening session the messages of unity have been repeated, although it will not be until this Wednesday when the leaders get down to work. On the table the conflicts of Yemen Y Libyain addition to the economic crisis and food insecurity that is shaking many parts of the region.

“The cause Palestine is our central issue”, claimed the Algerian president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, in his speech as host. Algeria has championed this demand and wants the summit to serve to achieve unity among its Arab counterparts, especially to counteract the approach of several member countries to Israel. Minutes earlier, the Tunisian president, Kais Saiedhas also defended that the only solution is a free Palestinian State with capital in Jerusalem.

In addition, the Algerian president has remarked that “the Arab world has never known a crisis like the current one” and has called for the creation of an “impugnable” economic bloc among the Arab countries to preserve their “common interests.” The summit has started with the presence of a dozen heads of state, half of those who make up the Arab League. Among the absences, stand out that of the Saudi crown prince, Muhammad bin Salman, and most of the leaders of the Gulf, in addition to the Monarchs of Morocco and Jordan.

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In 2020, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain normalized their relations with Israel. The Hebrew state launched, hand in hand with the former American president, donald trump, his diplomatic conquest of the Gulf countries. Months later, Morocco followed the same steps and Sudan signed a preliminary agreement. It was the first time in 26 years, since the peace agreement with Jordan in 1994, that an Arab country normalized relations with the Israeli authorities. The Algiers summit is the first in which all the Arab countries meet after these agreements that have polarized the region.

Before starting the summit, Morocco and Algeria have already starred in a new demonstration of the diplomatic crisis they are going through. Mohammed VI he announced, at the last moment, that he would not take his seat at the meeting and that he would be represented by his foreign minister, Nasser Bourita. The head of Moroccan diplomacy already traveled to Algiers on Sunday to meet with his Arab counterparts, a visit that caused controversy in Morocco, considering that the Algerian authorities did not give him correct diplomatic treatment, according to various media in the country. On the contrary, the Algerian diplomacy has defended that he received the same treatment as the other ministers.
